굿모닝팝스 2010.04.09

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 4. 9. 12:54 Posted by chanyi
굿모닝팝스 2010.04.09

April 9, 2010 Review of GMP   <Morning Words>


I don’t get angry. I get even. If you lose control or temper explore, whatever you do and say They can’t get it back. To practice control your temper


Give out: hand out, give or, provide information to others > 제공하다. 누설하다

Cut out:
remove the item such as magazine, paper etc. >
잘라내다. 오려내다

Keep out:
remain outside, not involved in something >
밖에 두다. 피하다. 들이지 않다


*Cut it out: stop it. 그만해

Please don’t give out my phone number >
내 전화번호 누설하지 마

I need a pair of scissors to cut out this picture >
이 그림을 오려낼 가위가 필요해

Keep out of it because it doesn’t involve you >
너랑 상관없으니 상관하지 마


<More expressions>

Give a break
: give a chance for one’s fault
> 기회를 주다. 봐주다

Cut back on
: gradually decrease
> 줄이다

Keep off:
avoid something or someone >


Give me a break: I need a break >
그만 좀 해 (좀 봐줘)

We mush cut back on our office expenses >
우리 사무실 경비 좀 줄여야 해

Keep off the grass, please >
잔디에 들어가지 마세요


<LST: Use Disposable number if you keep out the phone number>


An extra phone number, free number! You can use in place of your regular phone number. You can do this to protect your privacy.


Maybe you are in dating scene or you don’t want everybody to know your real number you can give them this number. What I do, I give them Jake’s number. It works.


<John’s recap>


Jake, I have to tell you the story you are not going to like it. But you just be quite, keep out of it. What I did was my friends are asking me


“John, do you have an extra picture of Jake? Oh, I’m sorry I don’t.” Suddenly I got a great idea. I bought 1,000 GMP books. And I cut out every picture of Jake.


And now I’ve been giving them out to all my friends who say “Hey, Can I have a picture of Jake? I know you don’t like it. But keep out of it.


<Screen English:
우린 절대로 길을 잃지 않아요>


A: I can’t tell where we are.
> 여기가 어딘지 구분이 안 되네.

B: We are in South America, all right.
> 우린 지금 남아메리카에 있어요

B: It was a cinch with my wilderness explorer GPS.

> 미지에 탐험가를 위한 GPS만 있으면 아주 쉬운 일이죠

A: GP What? >
GP 뭐라고?

B: My dad gave it to me. It shows exactly where we are on the planet.

> 우리 아빠가 주신 거에요. 이게 우리가 이 행성 어디에 있는지를 정확히 알려주죠.

B: With this baby, we’ll never be lost

> 이것만 있으면 절대로 길을 잃지 않아요


<Pops: My Cherie Amour –Rod Stewart->


In a café /or sometimes on a crowded street/ I’ve been near you/ but you never noticed me

카페에서 때론 붐비는 거리에서 당신 옆에 있었지만 당신은 날 알아보지 못하네요


My Cherie Amour won’t you tell me/ how could you ignore/ that behind my little smile I were

> 내 사랑이여 옆은 미소 속의 진심을 그렇게 무시할 수 있는 지 말해주세요


How I wish that you were mine > 얼마나 내 것으로 하고 싶어하는 지를


Pattern Talk

Does anyone want to ~.
하고 싶은 사람 있어.

Does anyone want to try.
도전해보고 싶은 사람 있어.

Does anyone want to work here. 
여기서 일하고 싶은 사람 있어.

Does anyone want to comment. 
논평하고 싶은 사람 있어.

Does anyone want to go shopping. 
쇼핑하고 싶은 사람 있어.

Does anyone want to test drive? 
시운전 하고싶은 사람 있어.

Role Play 

A: I’m a little bored.
나 좀 지루해.

B: Janet says she was bored, too. Does anyone want to go shopping?

Janet도 지루하다고 하던데. 쇼핑 가고 싶은 사람 있어?

A: No, I’d rather stay at home and watch TV.
아니 그냥 집에서 쉬면서 TV볼래.


To go bad: to ruin or become sour>


A: What’s wrong?  B: This milk has gone bad > 이 우유 상한 것 같아