굿모닝팝스 2010.05.01

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 1. 11:58 Posted by chanyi

1. rip off : ~에게 바가지를 씌우다. (cheat, overcharge)

   A street vendor might rip off a tourist if he can.

   노점상은 관광객에게 바가지를 씌울 수도 있어.

2. shoot off : 보내다, 전송하다 (send)

   Shoot off a text when you get the time.

   시간 날 때 문자 보내.

3. switch off : (스위치 등을 눌러서) 끄다 (turn off)

Last one out, switch off the lights.

영어 단어 풀이

1. rip off
Rip off. Again the word R I P, we know, has ths feeling of very fast action,

but the word rip off, in fact, means to steal from someone or to cheat someone

maybe even for overcharge.

2. shoot off

Ah, yeah, shoot. Well, you're taking a picture with your camera or firing a gun,

both of these use the word shoot. What does that mean?

To do something very quickly. To shoot off, then, is to perhaps send something very quickly.

perhaps an e-mail or a letter or a text message. Shoot off a text to me.

3. switch off

Ah yeah well, think about this, switch. When you enter a room and the room is very dark. What is the first

thing you look for? You might look for a switch on the wall and then

you will switch on the light and when, of course, you're leaving the room

you wil switch off the light. So think of using the switch to turn on or turn off the light,

as a way, of course, seeing or saving energy, use the expression sometimes

switch on and switch off. 

John's Recap
You know, these days 길동's in a bad mood. First of all 민희 shut down his proposal

and then some bills came in the mail. His electric bill was very high.

He thought something's wrong. So he wrote a long e-mail to the electric company.

He said "I think you people are trying to rip off me on this deal.

I'm paying too much for my electric bill." He shot off the e-mail to them

and he waited a few days. Finally they were abele to shoot off an e-mail back to him.

Very simple, one line in their e-mail to 길동. They said "Mr.홍길동. Swithc off your lights.

Save money." Yeah, so, now he's walking around in his house in the dark with a candle.

Screen English

I can't take your call right now. 지금은 전화를 받을 수 없습니다.

Meryl    Hi. You're reached Meryl Morgan.

            메릴 모건입니다.

            I can't take your call right now.

            지금은 전화를 받을 수 없으니

            so leave a message and have a great day.

            메시지를 만겨 주세요. 좋은 하루 보내시고요.



Paul      Hello. It is me, your... ah... your husband.

            여보, 나야. 당신 남편.

            Um, at leat, legally still your husband,

            as recognized by the state of New York.

           적어도 아직까지는 법적으로 뉴욕 주가 공인한

           당신 남편이니까.