굿모닝팝스 2010.05.03

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 3. 11:32 Posted by chanyi


1. pay off : 성과를 올리다, 결실을 맺다 (provide benefit)

Hard work will pay off in the end.

열심히 노력하면 결국 그 결실을 얻기 마련이야.

2. shve off : 수염을 깎다, 면도하다 (remove)

That high price would scare off most consumers.

그렇게 높은 가격은 대부분의 소비자를 지레 겁먹고 도망치게 할 거야.

3. scare off : 겁을 주어 ~을 쫓아 버리다 (repel, push away)

She said no kissing until I shave off my beard.

그녀는 내가 면도를 해야 입맞춤할 수 있다고 했어.


영어 단어 풀이 

1. pay off

Um, to pay, of course, refers to giving money. However sometimes we might receive

a benefit that is not money. We might develop our skills, we might improve in some way.

To pay off is to give some sort of a benefit.


2. shave off

Ah, yeah, to shave, well of course, we know to shave means to remove hair.

So if you shave off a beard, you shave off a mustache, simply you're removing it,

cutting it off.


3. scare off

Woo, very frightening word, scare, we know the verb scare means to give someone

a bad feeling, give someone a fright, to make someone run away

because they're afraid with them. In that case, we will use this expression 'to scare off'

basically making someone leave, get out of here, go away. Scare off.


John's Recap

Wow, you know I'm not sure radio was a good place to tell the story.

It's kind of a private story about my friend. His name is Jake. In fact, he had a very big

beard and mustache and so he was having a hard time finding a date.

I told him, "You've got to shave off that beard. You're scaring off all the girl

with that beard. I promise if you shave off that beard and shave off that mustache,

go ahead, shave off that hair on your head, too. I'm sure to pay off.

You'll have a lot more date. So I think he's gonna do it.


Screen English

The clock is ticking. 시간이 촉박해요.

Meryl I mean, if you're planning on having a baby...

제 말은, 아기를 낳으실 거라면...

Oh, this is the most magical place.

이 집이야말로 최고로 안성맞춤이라는 거죠.

Monique How many children do you have?

아이가 몇 명이나 되세요?

Meryl How many?

몇 명이요?

Let me see, I have... Well, I have zero.

어디 보자, 그게... 0명이요.

My husband and I are separated.

남편과 별거 중이거든요.

I know what you're thinking,

무슨 생각하시는지 알아요.

the clock is ticking, right?

시간이 촉박하죠, 그렇죠?