굿모닝팝스 2010.05.12

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 12. 12:47 Posted by chanyi

May 12, 2010 Wed      <Morning Words>


This was explained in a story called ants. Evidently the ants believe when they die

they should move to the side because if they stay in the path they will simply block all of

the other ants.


Get off: to remove yourself from some topic, from subject

> 이야기를 그만두다, 주제에서 벗어나다

Clean off: make something clean, remove everything from the table

> 닦아내다, 쓸어내다

Bounce off: jumping around and being very excited, showing full energy of you

> 몹시 흥분해 있다



Can we please get off the subject for now?

> 우리 이제 얘기 그만 좀 하면 안되겠니?

Please clean off the table while I make dinner

> 내가 저녁식사 준비할 동안 식탁 좀 치워봐

With too much sugar kids bounce off the walls

> 단것을 너무 많이 섭취하면 애들이 난리를 쳐요


<More Expressions>


Get down: feel like some blue > 침울해 지다, 기력을 잃다, (일 등)시작하다

Have clean hands: not guilty, being innocent > 결백하다

Bounce around: going from here to there, discuss an issue

> 여기저기 돌아다니다. 궁리하다



You don’t need to get down for your fault > 네 실수에 너무 우울해 할 필요 없어


He decided to reveal that he has clean hands at the court

> 그는 법정에서 무죄를 밝히기로 결심했습니다.


He’s bouncing around what it takes to her

> 그는 그녀에게 필요한 게 뭔지를 궁리하고 있습니다


<LST: National Clean-off Your Desk Day>


I totally disagree with this. Now the theory is that in January on the second Monday you

should clean off the desk.


Some people who are very concerned about this say well, a messy desk is not a sign of

creative mind. It is unprofessional. Your credibility is at stake when visitors enter your

office. Albert Einstein disagrees.


<John’s recap>


You know, many years ago when 길동 and I were roommates. I did all the cooking, not because he did like cooking, but because his cooking tasted terrible. So I cooked everyday. His job was to clean off the table and prepare for all the meals. Ah, it became a source of arguement. Everyday we argued about the same issue.
Finally I said, "Look look look I'll cook, you'll clean. Let's get off the subject. Let's please talk about something else." Oh, he got upset. He started bouncing off the walls and complaining about so many things it.
Oh, finally we just decided. We each cooked for ourselves. Yeah, I gained. He lost 15kg.

알다시피 오래 전 길동이와 나는 룸메이트였어. 녀석의 음식솜씨가 형편 없었고 요리하는 것도 별로 좋아하지 않는지라. 맨날천날 내가 내가 요리를 했어. 아무리 서빙으로 밥벌이를 해도 그렇지 말야. 그러다 보니 우린 각자의 식사때의 역할 때문에 매일같이 싸웠어. 결국 내가 "야~ 누구는 맨날 요리하고 누구는 맨날 치우기만 치우고 불공평하지 않냐? 그러니까  다시 합의보자."라고 하니까 화를 버럭 내더니 제딴에 그간 품고 있던 되지도 않는 불만들을 막 늘어놓기 시작했어. 우린 직접 자기 밥은 자기가 해 먹기로 합의를 봤어. 그러고 나니 난 살이 점점 오르고 녀석은 피골이 상접하게 되었어. 

<Screen: 절 나가라고 하네요>

A: So you actually do this all the time? > 항상 이런 일을 맡아 하시나요


*similar expression: It isn’t the first time we’ve done this


B: But about ten years ago the government asked us if we’d hide somebody for a week

> 한 십 년 전쯤 정부에서 어떤 사람을 일주일 동안 데리고 있느냐는 요청이 왔었죠


B: Ever since then, a couple of times a year we bring somebody by.

> 그때부터 일년에 두 번씩 정부에서 사람을 데려왔어요


B: It’s been kind of interesting actually. Now they want me to retire

> 참 흥미로운 일이죠. 근데 이제 나보고 은퇴하라네요


<Pops: Alice –Avril Lavigne>


I found myself in Wonderland/ get back on my feed again

> 이상한 나라에서 내 자신을 찾았어요/ 다시 정신 차리고 재기했어요


Is this real/ is this pretend/ I’ll take a stand until the end

> 이게 진짜 일까/ 아님 가짜 일까요/ 마지막까지 신념을 갖고 맞설 거에요




Pattern Talk

I promise myself I would + verb + more.
~하기로 결심 했는데.

I promise myself I would save
하기로 결심 했는데. 

I promise myself I would
study more.
난 하기로 결심 했는데.  

I promise myself I would
conserve more.
난 하기로 결심 했는데.  

I promise myself I would
work out more.
난 하기로 결심 했는데.  

I promise myself I would
volunteer more.
난 하기로 결심 했는데.  


Role Play
A: I failed my test.
나 시험 망쳤어

B: What are you going to do about it?
그래서 어떻게 할 건데?

A: I promise myself I would study more.
더 열심히 공부하기로 다짐했어



* Have a short fuse(=burns until the explosion > 욱하는 성질을 가지고 있다


A: Why did you blow up at me? > 왜 나한테 발끈했어?

B: I’m sorry, I have a short fuse > 내가 욱하는 성질이 좀 있잖아