굿모닝팝스 2010.05.15

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 15. 16:56 Posted by chanyi



1. tell off : ~에게 호통치다, 야단치다 (scold, yell at)

It's not wise to tell off someone bigger than you.

너보다 덩치가 큰 사람한테 호통 치는 건 현명하지 못한 처사야.

2. wean off : 의존도를 서서히 줄여 나가다 (gradually decrease dependency)

To wean off coffee, I'm swithing to tea.

커피를 끊으려고, 대신 차를 마시고 있어.

3. top off : 가득 채우다 (fill)

Always top off the tank before taking a long drive.

장거리 운전을 하기 전에 항상 연료를 가득 채워.


영어 단어 풀이


1. tell off

To tell, we know, is to provide information with your voice to talk to someone.

However to tell off is a little different. To tell off is to angrily scold someone or

to yell at someone.


2. wean off

Ah, to wean W E A N, 'wean' has a feeling of gradually reducing.

We all have seen the stories of dogs and puppies. Puppies will depend on

the mother dog for some time to get their food, to get their milk.

After a while, the mother dog will say "Enough is enough. 'Two Tables, Four Tables'

_이판사판' Time to wean off!" and she will push the puppies away.


3. top off

To top off is to fill some container all the way to the top, whether is's a cup of coffee,

the gas tank in your car, or very large train container. It doesn't matter.

To top off is to fill to the top.


John's Recap

Oh, we've got a big problem around here apartment.

Last night 길동 said to me "Hey John, the car's gas tank is empty.

How about that! Why don't you give me 100,000\, so I can top off the tank."

So I said "길동, who do you think I am? I'm not your father.

I'm tired giving you money that filled the gas tank. What's going on?

You should get a job."

He said "Wowowowow, why are you telling me off?"

I told him "Here's the problem. You expect me to pay for your gas.

I've got to wean you off this problem.

You've got to get your own job and top off your tank."

So he's a little, he's a little depressed today.



어젯밤에 생긴 문제인데....

길동 : 좐, 내 차의 기름 떨어졌어. 이런! 만땅으로 채우게 100,000원만 내놔봐.

John : 길동아~ 내가 네 아버지냐? 돈 맡겨놨냐? 네 기름 넣어 주는 거 이젠

지긋지긋해. 알간? 이제 놀지 말고 돈 벌어!”

길동 : 어어~~ 왜 나만 갖고 그래?

John : 왜 내가 네 기름을 넣어줘야 되냐?. 네가 벌어 기름 넣고 다녀.

나좀 뜯어먹지 말고.

그래서 길동이는 오늘 어깨가 축 쳐져 보였다.


 Screen English


Help yourself to anything. 아무거나 마음껏 먹어요.


Clay We're gonna make our rounds.

우린 순찰을 할 거요.

Probably best for you to stay put.

당신들은 집 안에 가만히 있는 게 제일 좋을 것 같소.

Fewer people see ya, the safer you are.

사람을 적게 만날수록 당신들이 더 안전하니까.

Emma Which is a shame.

그게 좀 애석하지 뭐예요.

'Cause Ray is the friendliest place on Earth.

세계에서 가장 정겨운 곳이 바로 레이인데.

Help yourself to anything in the fridge if you're hungry.

배고프면 냉장고에 아무거나 마음껏 먹어요.