굿모닝팝스 2010.05.24

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 24. 15:16 Posted by chanyi

<Morning Words> 

1.  Brush off: 먼지를 솔로 털다

주저 앉기 전에, 자리 털어

Brush off the seat, before you plop down.

*Plop down:털썩 주저앉다 <-> jump up

2.  Close off:
고립시키다, 차단시키다

보수를 위해서 그들은 교량 진입을 차단시킬 꺼야

They’ll close off the bridge to make repair.

3. Send off:

아들은 이제 군대에 보낼 정도의 나이가 되었어

My son is now old enough to send off to the military.

*Send off: 보내다, 떨어져 있는 상태강조

*Send away: 보내다, 멀어져 가는 과정강조



<More Expressions>
1. Have a brush with: ~ 접촉하다, 경험하다

길동이 아침에 상사와 좋은 일이 있었어

길동 had a nasty brush with his boss this morning.


2. Close down: 문을 닫다, 폐쇄하다(= close up)

세금이 오르면 가게 문을 닫아야 할꺼야

This shop will have to close down if they raise taxes.

3. Send away:

빈손으로 보낼 없어

I can’t send you away empty-handed.

<John's Recap>
You know, by chance, I decided to drop by in surprise
홍길동 at his 번데기 restaurant last night. He asked me “hey, John! It’s getting late. Would you help me to close off the store for the night? We have to close the windows and close the doors and clean up and brush off the chairs brush off the counter and make everything nice and clean.” We did that.  We decided to sit around and talk for a while. So he was very nice and good. Actually he decided to send off  his girlfriend 민희 to go get us a couple drinks. We set around talking almost all night. It was a good experience.

<Screen English>
A: What is she like? /
어떤 여자였어?

B: She was reserved. / 말이 없었지

     Um.. I don’t know a bit cynical./  글쎄,,약간 냉소적이었어.

A: I can see that. / 알겠어

    That makes sense. / 이해가

    It was probably like you going to a spa. 그녀가 마치 온천욕 같았던 거지

    Very quiet and cool and laid back. / 조용하고 멋지고 편히 기댈 있는



<Pops English- love is free>
Another day / 다른 일상

Another dollar down the drain/ 다시 돈을 빠져 나가네요

You go to town/ 시내에 가고

No one’s around/ 주변엔 아무도 없죠

Cause if you drown/ 당신이 물에 빠진다면

There ain’t no hope for coming back/ 다시 돌아올 희망이 없을테니까요


1) Pattern Talk

This is how I~~.
나는 이렇게 ~해.

This is how I look. 
내가 보이는 방식은 이래(생긴게 이래).

This is how I practice.
나 이렇게 연습해.

This is how I make it work. 
내가 해결하는 방식이야.

This is how I understand.
내가 이해하는 방식이야.

This is how I stay in shape. 

난 이렇게 몸매를 유지해.
(= get in shape , <-> out of shape)

2) Role Play 

A: Why are you dancing around?
A: 여기저기 춤추고 다녀?

B: This is how I stay in shape. 
나는 이렇게 몸매 유지해.

A: Whatever works I guess. 
A: 뭘하든 괜찮아.

Out of one’s league /
수준이 다른


A: I’m love in a famous star. / 유명한 스타와 사랑에 빠졌어

B: Forget it. She’s out of your league. / 잊어. 그녀는 너와  수준이 달라.