굿모닝팝스 2010.05.28

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 28. 12:54 Posted by chanyi

May 28, 2010 Fri <Morning Words>

Thomas Edison, the genius inventor let’s going on with him the other dark side.


He was not a good family man.


He didn’t care of his family and his wife suffered from the pressure in being melancholy. Even his elder son ended up killing himself as an effective being an alcoholic


Cross off: erase something like check off, but draw a line completely through the item, canceling and finish > 명단(목록)에서 지워나가다


Tear off: to collect coupons, remove form the box etc > 쑥 찢어내다


Back off: physical closeness, move away or don’t do that

> 뒤로 물러나다, 그만하다



Cross off any chores you’ve done from the list > 목록에서 네가 한 일은 지워버려


Tear off the coupon before you ditch the box > 상자 버리기 전에 쿠폰을 떼어내


Back off before she gets upset > 그녀가 화내기 전에 그만 괴롭혀


<More expressions>

Cross someone’s path: run into, bump into, meet by chance > 우연히 만나다


Tear one’s heart out > 애를 태우다 (*Eat your heart out > 약 올리다)


Cut back (on): decrease, reduce > 줄이다 *Mechanical pencil: 샤프

You may not want to cross my path > 나와 우연이라도 마주치고 싶지 않을 거야


Don’t tear his heart out. He’s trying to reach out for you


> 너에게 다가가려 애쓰는 그를 너무 애태우지 마


You need to cut back on fatty food > 너 고지방 음식 줄여야 해


<LST: Back off on the bogaloo>


Ringo Starr explains that the phrase backed off bogaloo that was inspired when he and follow musician Mark Bolwin had dinner together one night and his guy Bollen kept saying again and again bogaloo, bogaloo many times in his speech so Ringo Starr said that’s enough


<John’s recap>

You may remember long time ago when Gil-dong and I was roommates. I told that he was a rather lazy guy and did not do his chores very often. So we decided we needed a system.

We decided to tear off a piece of paper and write down all chores we need to do each day. As you finished the chores, cross off that chore from the list everyone can see that was done.

Gil-dong was very lazy. I told him I would not back off bothering him until he did his chores and actually that list helped us a lot


<Screen: 아주 잘 요약해 놓았더군>

A: That’s very wise. > 참 현명하신 것 같아요


B: I doubt that (=I don’t think so). That stuff you are talking about isn’t easy. It’s


like “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”


>그런 것 같지 않은데. 당신이 이야기 하는 건 참 쉽지 않은 일이야 “화성에서 온 남자 금성에서 온 여자같이”


A: Did you read that book? > 그 책 읽어봤어요?


B: No, I read cover. That pretty much summed it up

> 표지만 읽었지. 아주 잘 요약했더군


<Pops: Scarborough fair–Simon & Garfunkel>

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (on the side of a hill in the deep forest green)

> 그녀에게 cambric 셔츠를 만들어 달라고 말해주세요


Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme > 파슬리, 참깨, 로즈마리, 백리 향을 (담아)



1) Pattern Talk

You are not allowed to + Verb here.
여기서 ~하시면 안됩니다


You are not allowed to stay.

여기서 머무시면 안됩니다.

You are not allowed to smoke.

여기서 담배피시면 안됩니다.

You are not allowed to fish.

여기서 낚시하시면 안됩니다.

You are not allowed to enter.

여기서 들어가시면 안됩니다.

You are not allowed to gamble.

여기서 도박하시면 안됩니다.

2) Role Play

A: Do you have an ashtray? > 재떨이 있으세요?


B: Sorry, you are not allowed to smoke here


> 죄송하지만 여기서 담배피시면 안됩니다.


A: I didn’t know that. My bad > 몰랐습니다. 제 실수에요


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*Excuse my appearance > 이런 몰골로 맞아서 죄송해요


A: Excuse my appearance. I changed the tire


> 이런 몰골이라 죄송해요. 타이어 갈았거든요


B: You can wash out in here > 저쪽에서 씻으세요