굿모닝팝스 2010.05.29

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 29. 15:35 Posted by chanyi



1. buy off : ~을 매수하다 (buy to remove)

A big company wants to buy off all the smaller ones.

한 대기업이 모든 중소기업들을 매수하고 싶어해.

2. shrug off : ~을 대수롭지 않게 여기다, 떨치다 (disregard, ignore)

Shrug off the pain and get back in the game!

아픔은 떨쳐 버리고 경기에 복귀해!

3. storm off : 화를 내며 뛰쳐나가다 (leave angril)

Please don't storm off in a huff.

그렇게 발끈 성내며 확 나가지 마.


영어 단어 풀이


1. buy off

Well, perhaps GMPers will remember when we talked about the idea of 'sell off'

meaning sell everything. Well, very similarly 'buy off' means to buy everything

to buy completely everything in stock. Buy off.

We often hear this in business as well when one team, one side or one person

wants to remove the competition. They'll pay them. 'Buy off the competition'

means (to) pay enough money that the competition will go away.


2. shrug off

Shrug your shoulders up and down. We S H R U G shrug is a verb that means

to lift kind of look like you don't know what's going on. I don't know body language.

Lift your shoulders, shrug off. Well, 'shrug off' means to kind of ignore,

to not think about it and say, "Well, I know what's there, but it doesn't bother me,

forget about it."


3. storm off

Storm, wow, well, let's imagine for a moment lightning and thunder and

wind blowing and rain crashing down. That is a very aggressive condition, isn't it?

To storm off means to leave very aggressively, probably very angry and upset.

We don't storm off happily, storm off angrily.


John's Recap

You know, it's been a while since I had the chance to go visit 홍길동 up at his 번데기 restaurant. I went there just see what's going on and I noticed he had normal 번데기 to sell. Previously a customer came in and decided to buy off everything.

He was able to buy off every item on the list. Well, I thought that will make 길동 happy, but he was in a huff. He was in a huff. I told him, "Hey, shrug off this small problem.

You made a good business today." And he said, "No, I need more 번데기 right now."

He stormed off out the door. I was left alone in the restaurant. It was a very unusual moment. He's a sensitive guy.

일전에 길동이네 번데기 가게에 갈 일이 있었어.

근데 가서 보니까 장사를 접어놓고 있었어.

앞 전 한 손님이 가게를 몽땅 인수할 거라고 했나봐.

그래서 난 길동이가 땡 잡았을 거라 생각했는데,

어라~ 아주 씩씩거리고 있더라구.

John : 이봐~ 뭘 그렇게 고민해? 떨쳐버려! 너 여태껏 장사 잘 해왔잖아.

길 동 : 아니, 난 지금 번데기가 더 필요하다니까. (장사 더 하고 싶다는 의미?)

그러면서 밖으로 나가버렸어. 난 가게에 혼자 남아 뻘쭘하게 있었어.

녀석, 아주 예민한 놈이라니깐~


Screen English

He makes me laugh. 그는 날 웃게 만들죠.


Meryl He makes me laugh.

그는 날 웃게 만들죠.

But if we're gonna stay together, then,

하지만 우리가 함께 지내게 되더라도,

you know, I guess we have to scale back our expectations,

서로의 기대치를 낮춰야 할 것 같아요.

and I won't expect everything from him,

저는 그에게 모든 것을 기대하지 않고,

and he won't expect everything from me, and...

그 사람도 저에게 모든 것을 기대하지 않겠죠. 그리고...

Clay You should expect everything from each other!

서로에게 모든 걸 기대해야죠!