굿모닝팝스 2010.06.10

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 6. 10. 09:26 Posted by chanyi

June 10, 2010 Thu   <Morning Words>


The fastest way from the far west England to London is to go with loved ones.


Touch down:
flying in an airplane, come down to the ground, softly come to the

> 착륙(안착)하다


Wash down:
when your health might not be in a good condition, something is

not easy to swallow, drink down the medicine with water, juice like this
> (물과 함

) 마시다, 삼키다


Pull down:
if something in the sky is above you, you want to have or take it, to

reach up through your hands or hard works, earn money, do for a living
> 돈을 열

심히 벌어들이다



Our flight will touch down just after nine

> 이 비행기는 9시가 막 지나서 착륙할 예정입니다

I need to wash down my medicine with juice

> (넘기기 힘드니) 약을 주스와 함께 먹어야겠다

How much do you pull down every month?

> 한 달에 얼마나 벌어 들이시나요?


<More expressions>


: uncertain, a close call, not stable
> 아슬아슬한, 불확실한

Come out in the wash
: make a good result
> 좋은 결과가 나오다, 밝혀지다

Pull one’s weight:
play a role in one’s share
> 자기 몫의 역할을 해내다


Things were touch-and-go at the office
> 사무실 분위기가 아슬아슬 했어

It’s all come out in the wash
> 모두 다 잘될 거야

Everyone has to pull their weight
> 각자 맡은 바 자기역할을 다해야 해


<LST: The opportunity for the touchdown celebration>


We have to remember these are very egotistical sport people. They make a lot of

money. They like thing on TV. So when they make a touchdown, they like

touchdown celebrations are very unusual and very funny sometimes.

American football players, they get in the end zone. They score, they might jump

around, they might dance and they might throw the ball somewhere. Sometimes

these are a little bit offensive if so it’s a penalty.


<John’s recap>


Just a few weeks ago, Hong Gil-dong and I were on an airplane together. We

were flying to Jakarta to open up a new ‘
번데기’ restaurant.

And our plan was to make money and do some good business. He said hey,

we’re going to pull down some serious cash in this business. We’ve got to take it



Our plane is going to touch down in just a few minutes and you’re still eating

your lunch. What are you doing? So Gil-dong said oh, I’m sorry and you wash

this chicken or beef


With this clean water and we can get back to business hopefully on this trip to

pull down some good money so I will see how business goes.

<Screen: 그는 날 기분 좋게 해요> *Dear John letter: 헤어지는 편지


A: Dear Alice, I wish I had your real address. I wish I could tell you about Jake

> Alice,
난 네 주소를 안다면, 그래서 Jake에 대해 이야기 할 수 있으면 좋을 텐데

A: He makes me feel better. I mean he makes me feel alive

> 그가 날 기분 좋게 해. 그 사람 덕분에 살아있다는 느낌이 드는 거지


A: The whole in my chest (=left in empty feeling) well, when I’m with Jake, it’s

like it’s almost
healed for a while             

가슴이 뻥 뚫린 듯한 기분이 Jake와 함께 있을 때면, 잠시나마 거의 치료되는 걸 느껴


<Pops: Tubthumping –Chumbawamba->

We’ll be singing/ when we are winning/ we’ll be singing

> 우리가 이기고 있을 땐/ 그렇게 노래하겠죠




I had to + Verb > ~해야 만 했어

I had to split/ know/ take a test/ see for myself (직접 눈으로 확인하다)


A: Why didn’t you trust me? > 왜 그리 나를 믿지 않았니?

B: Sorry, I had to see for myself > 미안해, 직접 내 눈으로 확인해야 했어

A: Well, now you know I told the truth > 그럼 이제 내가 진실을 말했다는 걸 알겠네


*Hit the nail on the head: point out the main issue > 정곡을 찌르다


A: I guess you weight about 80 kilograms > 내 생각에 너 한 80킬로 정도 되는 것 같아

B: You hit the nail on the head > 정곡을 콕 찌르는 구나

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