굿모닝팝스 2011.03.07

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2011. 3. 7. 11:52 Posted by chanyi


1. Don't dog me. 나 좀 괴롭히지 마.
Well, yeah, I might say, "Don't do something."
Let's creating an expression using the word 'dog', believe it or not, dog as a verb.
Well, dog means to bother or to annoy someone to continuously nag.
▶ 나는 이렇게 말할 지 모른다. "그거 하지 마라."
    dog라는 단어를 사용해서 표현을 만들어보자. 믿거나 말거나 dog는 동사로서 말이다.
    dog는 괴롭히거나 짜증나게 하거나 계혹해서 귀찮게 하는 것을 말한다.

※ dog : to criticize someone in a continuous and annoying way.

2. I have mosquito bites. 나 모기 물렸어.
Well, we're talking about mosquito. And what the mosquitos do?
Yeah, exactly they bite.
▶ 우린 모기에 대해 얘기하고자 한다. 모기는 무엇을 하지?
    그렇다 모기는 문다.

※ demanding : (짐승・곤충에게) 물린[쏘인] 상처[자국] 
a mark or injury where an animal or insect has bitten you
I woke up covered with mosquito bites.
모기한테 물려서 잠에서 깼어.

Ooo, scratching and scratching.. Woo I itch everywhere because
I have mosquito bites. Oh, that time of the season, mosquitos are coming back
from winter vacation. Biting me and biting me. 길동 was out on the balcony
the other night. He was smoking with window open. Smoke was coming
in the room. He said he was trying to kill the mosquitos. But I told him,
"Hey, quit smoking." But he looked me and said, "Woof, Don't dog me! Woof, woof!"
▶ 긁고 또 긁고.. 난 모든 곳이 가려워 왜냐하면 모기한테 물렸거든.
    이 시기가 되면 모기들은 겨울방학에서 돌아오거든. 나를 물고 또 물어.
    어느 한 날 길동이가 발코니로 나갔어. 창문을 열어두고는 담배를 폈어.
    연기가 방으로 들어왔지. 그가 말하길 모기를 죽이려고 한다는 거야.
    하지만 난 그에게 "이봐, 담배 피지마." 라고 했어. 하지만 그는 나를
    쳐다보고는 "멍멍, 나 좀 괴롭히지 마! 멍멍" 이라고 했어.

Screen English


Jacob        Two month we negotiated with piker

                 They pulled out at 7'o clock

Bill            So, what's new?

                 They're chinese and while they were negotiating 

                 We lost the koreans

Jacob        So you don't have an out

Bill            I'm saying just give me a week




1) Pattern Talk


You should  ~



You should appreciate her.

너 그녀에게 감사해야지.

You should mind your manner.

너 언행을 조심해야지.

You should give your best effort.

너 최선을 다해야지.

You should drive more responsibly.

너 좀더 책임감있게 운전해야지.

You should remember your promise.

너 약속은 기억해야지.

2) Role Play

A: I got busted for speeding.

A: 나 과속하다 딱 걸렸어.

B: You should drive more responsibly.

B: 좀더 책임감있게 운전해야지.

A: I was on the way to see you.

A: 나 너보러 가던 길이었어.


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Straight face  다표정없는 얼굴

A : How should I react?

B : Just keep the straight face