굿모닝팝스 2014.05.14

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2014. 5. 14. 12:48 Posted by chanyi


재미있는 일이 될 거야.

It would be a playful kind of thing.

우리 사랑을 놓칠 수 없어요.     

We can’t let go.

음식을 필요한 만큼 사.   

Buy food only as much as you need.



재미있는 일이 될 거야.    

It would be a playful kind of thing.


-   미안, 난 그저…

    재미있는 일이 될 거라고 생각했어.

-   재미요? 재미가 지나쳤어요.

-   무슨 말인지 알겠어.


-   Sorry, I just…

    I thought it would be a playful kind of thing.

-   Playful? Too playful.

-   I see what you’re saying.


Words & Phrases

playful   장난으로 한      

It would be a playful kind of thing.   재미있는 일이 될 거야.

I see.   알겠어. 이해해

say   말하다              

what you’re saying   네가 얘기하는 것.


Key Expression Practice

It would be kind of fun to do.

It would get a chuckle out of you.



We can’t let go.     우리 사랑을 놓칠 수 없어요.


So hung up.

We can’t let go.

If you really have to leave,

One more time just move me slow.


당신에게 완전 사로잡혀 있어요.

우리 사랑을 놓칠 수 없어요.

당신이 정말로 떠나야 한다면,

한 번만 더 날 천천히 움직여 주세요.



hung up   전전긍긍하는, 지나치게 신경을 쓰는

let go   놓아 주다, 보내 주다




 ~ + only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만~ 해.

<Step 1>
필요한 만큼만 음식을 사.
Buy food only as much as you need.

음식을 필요한 만큼만 먹어.
Eat food only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 짐을 꾸려.
Pack only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 요청 해.
Ask for only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 주머니에 넣어.
Pocket only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 떠 맡아.
Take on only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 챙겨 둬.
Store away only as much as you need.

필요한 만큼만 손을 대.
Get your hands on only as much as you need.

<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Buy food only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 음식을 사.

B: That will avoid wasting resources.
그러면 자원 낭비를 피할 수 있겠네.

Dialogue 2
A: Pack only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 짐을 꾸려.

B: I need to lighten my load.
짐을 가볍게 할 필요가 있어.

Dialogue 3
A: Take on only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 하겠다고 해.

B: We all have our limitations.
우리 모두 한계가 있으니까.

돌발 Pop Quiz!
Today’s question is in POPs English.
Its two words.
That means to stop, can’t move on or can’t change.
What’s this?
I guess the answer is “hung up”.  

청취자 질문 영어 표현!
아깝다! 아까워.
What a waist!  

또는 Bummer! (저런!)