영어동화책 28편

ETC 2015. 8. 18. 10:50 Posted by chanyi


1. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves ··············· 알리바바와 40인의 도적 
2. Alice in Wonderland ································ 이상한 나라의 앨리스
3. Pinocchio ················································· 피노키오 
4. The Brave Little Tailor ···························· 용감한 재단사
5. The Little Match Girl ······························ 성냥팔이 소녀
6. The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats ······· 늑대와 7마리 아기 염소 
7. Gulliver’s Travels ····································· 걸리버 여행기
8. Jack and the Beanstalk ····························· 재크와 콩줄기
9. Sinbad the Sailor ····································· 신바드의 모험
10. The Wizard of Oz ··································· 오즈의 마법사
1. The Ugly Duckling ··································미운 오리 새끼
12. The Three Little Pigs ······························· 아기돼지 삼형제

13. The Puppet Master ··································· 인형의 주인 

14. The Magic Horse ····································· 마술의 말

15. The Little Lead Soldier ···························· 장난감 병정 

16. The Jungle Book ····································· 정글북

17. Doggy Poo ·············································· 강아지 똥

18. Little Prince ············································ 어린왕자

19. The Happy Prince ···································· 행복한 왕자

20. The Selfish Giant ····································· 이기적인 거인

21. The Frog Prince ······································ 개구리 왕자

22. The Red Shoes ········································ 빨간구두

23. The Story of Hinemoa ····························· Hinemoa의 이야기

24. New Zealand Maori Legends ···················· 뉴질랜드 마오리 전설 

25. The Magic Fans ······································ 요술부채 

26. The Rabbit's Trial ···································· 토끼의 재판

27. Two Stingy Men ····································· 구두쇠 영감

28. The Magic Jar ········································· 요술항아리

출처: 대전광역시 교육청

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