1) Pattern Talk

That is very + 형용사 + of you.

당신 정말 ~하군요.

That is very kind of you.

신 정말 친절하군요.

That is very mean of you.

당신 정말 못됐군요.

That is very clever of you.

당신 정말 현명하시군요.

That is very stubborn of you.

당신 정말 고집 세시군요.

That is very generous of you.

당신 정말 너그러우시군요.

  2) Role Play

A : Lunch is on me.

점심 내가 살게.

B : That is very generous of you. 

정말 친절하구나.

A : Not really. I have my dad's credit card.

꼭 그렇지도 않아. 아버지 신용카드거든.