determine 타동사
determine to do something
determined 형용사
determined to do something
determine to do something
formal to decide to do something(~할 것을 결정하다.)
ex. He determined to leave at once.
(그는 당장 떠날것을 결정했다.)
determined 형용사
determined to do something
She was determined to win.
(그녀는 승리하기로 결심했다.)
(그녀는 승리하기로 결심했다.)
determined (that)(that 이하를 결심하다.)
2 if something determines something else, it directly influences or decides it :
3 to officially decide something :
He was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated.
determine [타동사]
determine [타동사]
1 to find out the facts about something [= establish]:
Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.
determine how/what/who etc
The aim of the inquiry was to determine what had caused the accident.
determine that
Experts have determined that the signature was forged.
The amount of available water determines the number of houses that can be built.
determine how/whether/what etc
How hard the swimmers work now will determine how they perform in the Olympics.
The date of the court case has not yet been determined.
determine how/what/who etc
The tests will help the doctors determine what treatment to use.
determined adjective

1 having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you :
determined to do something
2 showing determination, especially in a difficult situation
Gwen is a very determined woman.
determined to do something
She was determined to win.
(그녀는 승리하기로 결심했다.)
(그녀는 승리하기로 결심했다.)
determined (that)(that 이하를 결심하다.)
He was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated.
determined attempt/effort
She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.
The library was closed down despite determined opposition.
참고: The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
참고: The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online