굿모닝팝스 2010.04.06

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 4. 6. 18:57 Posted by chanyi
굿모닝팝스 2010.04.06

<Morning words>
계획(생각)해내다 work out/수행하다 carry out/가려내다,분류하다 sort out

ask out(invite sb on a date) ~에게 데이트 신청하다
ex)Do you mind if I ask out your sister?/ Yes, you do.
       내가 니 여동생에게 데이트신청해도 될까?/ 안돼.
spell out(explain sth in detail) 자세히 설명하다
ex)Spell out exactly what is bothering you!

         머가 널 신경쓰이게 하는지 자세히 얘기좀 해봐     
dish out(provide)음식 따위를 내어주다/생각,비평,말하다
ex)He can dish out criticism but he can't take it.
      그는 비판은 하면서 받아들이진 않아.

<More expression>
ask for 요구하다
can you spell that for me?
스펠 좀 불러주시겠어요?
dish the dirt 나쁜 소문을 내다

<John's recap>
I went to a club with 길동 last weekend.
He said 'Oh, John! Do you see that very beautiful girl?
I like her. I'd like to have a date with her.
I'll be right back' so I was listening in and he went over.
He said,'Hello! my name is 길동. what's your name?'
She said, '메리'
'Today, the weather these days is very beautiful'
She said, 'Yes,it is'
'I'm, I'm very hungry.
I have some extra money in my pocket. I'm very hungry'
She said,'Hey, spell out what you're trying to say!'
He said 'Oh, I'm sorry. I'm trying to ask you out on a date'
She said,'You know? I think that guys're so weak.
They should just confront me.
Straight up and don't waste my time.'
He said 'you're very good at dishing out criticism.
I picked the wrong girl. Bye~'
(난 지난 주말에 길동이랑 클럽에 갔어.
길동왈' 존 너 저기 아름다운 여자 보이니? 나 저 여자 맘에 들어.
저여자랑 데이트하고 싶어. 금방 올께.'
난 엿들을려고 했고 그가 그쪾으로 갔어.
' 전 길동이라하는데 이름이...?'
'음 요즘 날씨가 참 좋죠.'
'네 그러네요'
'음 배는 고프고... 주머니에 돈은  좀 있는데... 음 배가 고프네요.'
그녀왈' 저기요! 하고 싶은말을 정확하게 좀 하세요'
길동왈' 아.. 죄송해요. 당신에게 데이트신청을 하려는 거에요'
그녀왈' 있잖아요. 전 남자들이 나약하다고 생각해요.
내 앞에서 좀 당당해져봐요. 진심이구요. 더이상 제 시간 뺏지말아주세요'
길동왈' 당신은 남을 비판하는데 재능이 있군요^^ 제가 여자를 잘못 골랐어요.

<Screen English>
A: You have heard of a snipe?
     도요새 본적있니?
B: Snipe?
A: Bird, beady eyes.(부리부리한 눈)
    Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas.
     매일밤 내 마당에 숨어들어와선 내 가엾은 철쭉을 먹어치우지.
    I'm eldery and infirm. I can't catch it.
     난  늙고 약해서 잡을 수가 없지.
    If only (=I wish) someone would help me.
     누가 날좀 도와주면 좋을텐데...

B: Me, me, I'll do it. 저요저요! 제가 할께요.

A: Oh, I don't know. It's awfully crafty
.(굉장히 교활하단다)
    You'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in.
      유인하려면 손뼉을 세면 쳐야 할거야.

 <Pop's English>

If you say you want me

If you say you want me

If you do the right thing

We can be together

(Guys don't know what is the right thing^^)

It's not easy

You gotta work for it. 당신은 노력해야 해요.

I'm the real thing

You gotta please me

Pattern Talk

I don't have any 명사.      
난 ~가 전혀 없어.

I don’t have any brothers.
난 형제가 전혀 없어.

I don’t have any options.
난 선택의 여지가 전혀 없어.

I don’t have any money left.
난 남아있는 돈이 전혀 없어.

I don’t have any preferences.
난 선호하는게 전혀 없어.

I don’t have any interest in Jazz.
난 째즈에 전혀 없어.

Role Play
A: I'd like to rent a car please.
렌트를 하고 싶은데요.

B: What type of car do you need today?
어떤 차가 필요하세요?

A: Uhm.. a compact car will be fine. but I don't have any preferences. 
소형차가 좋긴하지만, 딱히 맘에 둔건 없어요.

<Learn more>
stick around  가까이에 있다; 떠나지 않고 기다리다

I'll be back in a minute. Please stick around!
금방 올테니 기다리고 있어.