굿모닝팝스 2010.04.17

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 4. 17. 12:10 Posted by chanyi

<Opening>It’s a very sad and difficult time when that happens in your life, there’s really no easy answer for how to deal with it. Maybe the best thing is just go on forward one step at a time.


Don’t forget if it happens to someone around you, it’s okay to reach out and offer your kind and one hand to help that person to deal with the sorrowful time.Morning Words

<Today's New words>iron out: 잘 처리하다,  wak out: 떠나다, 그만두다 print out: 인쇄하다, 출력하다 


<1st round>Leave out: To leave means to go away, doesn't it? However, To leave out simply means to omit something, or do not include an action or expression, just keep it away > 빠트리다. 빼먹다

Suss out: To suss out means to work on a problem, to try to figure out a solution, try understand something. We've got to suss out a problem. > ~을 알아내다. 검토하다

Tune out: Tune , we know, means to , perhaps , bring in a sound very clearly in your radio. what's the opposite of that? tune out is to block out, you don't wanna hear something, you don't listen to it > 걸러내다. 무시하다. 신경 끊다


<2nd round>Ex)

Tell me what went down and don’t leave out of things > 무슨 일이 있었는지 하나도 빼놓지 말고 말해봐

We’ve got to suss out our financial situation >우리 재정상태를 검토해 봐야겠다

Tune outnegativity and focus on your goal >부정적 생각은 버리고 네 목표에만 집중해

<3rd round> More Expressions* leave behind: 뒤로하다, ~을 빠트리다.   No child left behind:학습이 부진한 아이에게 지원하는 예산  * sussed: (영국 비격식) 세상물정을 아는.            * tune up: 조율하다.  


- I left my money behind. 돈을 두고 왔지 뭐야.

- It sounds like he's quite sussed. 아주 세상물정이 밝은 사람처럼 들린다.

- I gotta call someone to tune up my piano. 피아노 조율할 사람을 불러야겠어. 


<TPL: Leave out all the rest –Linkin Park> one source multi use Leave out all the Rest” is also the tile of CSI episode on TV and the band made a deal with a network in America Television to work the song into that episode


<John's recap>

You know I overheard in argument between 길동 and 민희. They were talking about some personal problems. I guess Gil-dong didn’t want to deal with it.He was trying to avoid problems. So 민희 said "Listen, 길동아~ 오빠~. If we're going to suss outour problems, we have to talk about everything. Don't leave out any detail. Don’t tune me out either. Listen to what I’m saying, I won’t tune out what you're saying. Together we can suss out everything. So I think they're working out their problems now.

* 스크린 잉글리시
A: This is Alpha calling that, come in dug. >여기는 알파 Dug 나와라

B: Hi alpha, your voice sounds funny. >네 목소리 진짜 이상해


A: I know. Have you seen the bird? >나도 알아. 새는 봤어?

B: Why! Yes, the bird is my prisoner now >그럼 그 새는 이제 나의 포로야


C: Yeah, right >어련하시겠어

B: Impossible. Where are you? >말도 안돼. 너 어디야


A: I’m here with the bird and I will bring it back. And then you will like me

> 지금 같이 있으니까 데리고 갈게. 그럼 날 좋아 할거지. (날 잘하고 있어)

Your voice sounds funny. - 네 목소리 되게 웃겨.  

* 팝스 잉글리시 Here I go again on my own/ going down the only road I’ve ever known

> 스스로 다시 시작하고 있죠/ 내가 알아왔던 그 유일한 길로 걸어가고 있죠


Like a drifter I was born to walk alone/ and I’ve made up my mind/ I am not wasting no more time/.

> 마치 방랑자처럼 혼자 걸어가기 위해 태어났어요/ 그리고 결심했죠/ 더 이상 시간낭비 하지 않을 거에요

I ain't wasting no more time. - 더 이상 시간 낭비하지 않을 거예요.