굿모닝팝스 2010.04.26

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 4. 26. 11:37 Posted by chanyi




1. watch out : (위험하니까) 조심해라 (be careful, caution)

Watch out! That first step is a doozy.

조심해! 첫 걸음이 엄청 중요한 거야.

2. chew out : 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다 (yell at, scold)

Don't chew out John for his mistake.

존이 실수한 거 너무 야단치지 마.

3. bring out : 드러나게 하다, 발휘하게 하다 (motivate, inspire)

Darling, you bring out the best in me.

여보, 당신은 내가 최상의 기량을 발휘하게 해.


영어 단어 풀이


1. watch out

Watch, to watch means to observe, to pay attention.

If I call to you and tell you 'Be careful, there's a danger", I might say

"Look out or watch out." Look out and watch out both are very good expressions

telling you to be careful.


2. chew out

Well, yes to chew we know this is an action we do with our mouth

when we're eating food. However to chew out someone is to be very angry at them

and to scold them and to not necessarily argue but to yell at someone.


3. bring out

Ah, to bring out, well we know if we carry something in our hand from inside the building

to the outside. That is bring out. However sometimes we have an influence perhaps

a certain color we'll bring out someone's beauty or certain sound or certain scent.

We'll bring out. It'll inhance or make stronger.



John's Recap

I recently got some very good advice from our good friend 홍길동

about raising my dog Domino. I was very angry at Domino for always getting

in the garbage can and stealing my food and I was angry and scolding him.

길동 told me "John you'd better watch out. If you always chew out Domino

for every mistake, he'll grow to hate you. So it's better to praise him.

Bring out the good thing that he does and make him feel like a better dog.

I'm trying. I'm trying to be a good dog owner to Domino, but a message to Domino.

Domino! are you listening? If you touch my pizza again~~, anyway.. trouble.



Screen English


She goes gaga for it. 너무 좋아서 사족을 못 써요.


Russell Hey, that looks like Kevin.

어, 저거 케빈처럼 생겼네.

Muntz Kevin?


Russell Yeah, that's my new giant bird pet.

네, 저의 새로운 커다란 애완 새예요.

I trained it to follow us.

우릴 따라오게 제가 훈련시켰어요.

Muntz Follow you? It's impossible. How?

널 따라와? 말도 안 돼! 어떻게?

Russell She likes chocolate.

초콜릿을 좋아하거든요.

Muntz Chocolate?


Russell Yeah. I gave her some of my chocolate.

네, 초콜릿을 좀 줬더니,

She goes gaga for it.

너무 좋아서 사족을 못 쓰더라구요.

Carl But it ran off. It's gone now.

근데 달아나 버렸어요. 지금은 사라지고 없어요.