April 30, 2010 Fri <Opening>
It’s the last of April. Some people feel if they’ve been studying very hard and trying their best. At the same time some people might have a little regret if they have been a little bit tired, a little bit lazy. I’m very great for my past and I’m positive about the future
<Morning Words>
Miss out: go over, I don’t get to join when other people are doing activities
> 기회를 놓치다. 끼지 않다 (Don’t miss out this opportunity > to participate)
Pick out: there’re varieties and among them chose only one or several not all of them
> 여러 가지 중에 하나만 고르다
Pass out: not do something/ faint, to become unconscious, to experience big shock
> 기절하다. 의식을 잃다. 기절할 지경이다
Tag along if you don’t want to miss out > 놓치고 싶지 않다면 따라붙어
Pick out three flavors for Sundae > Sundae 아이스크림에 넣을 세 가지 향을 고르세요
Your mom will pass out when she hears the news
> 너희 엄마가 그 소식을 듣는다면 기절할 지 몰라
<More Expressions>
Miss the point: get away from the main point, don’t catch the point > 요점에서 벗어나다
Pick and choose: take something very prudently > 까다롭게(신중하게) 고르다
Pass by: go by unconscious > 스치듯 지나가다
You have missed the point > 넌 의도를 잘못 이해하고 있어
You can’t pick and choose > 까다롭게 굴 때가 아니야
The storm passed by our town leaving it unharmed
> 폭풍이 우리 마을에 아무런 해를 끼치지 않고 지나갔어
<TPL: The way not to miss out the chance>
Evidently either Americans said if you have not thought of seven different options then
your thinking is incomplete. Well they want you to challenge yourself to come up with
seven ways to handle or to deal with any situations.
<John’s Recap>
I don’t know if you have been to the early morning market. There are a lot of funs.
A lot of people all over the country they’re shopping and buying and the guys calling out
“Pick out, pick out!”
You can pick what you want. I think you should not miss out on this opportunity. It’s great
fun or a lot of excitement.
In fact if you are so much you can do, you probably get so tired when you get back home
you will just pass out from exhaustion. I recommend the early morning market
<Screen: 내가 줄 수 있는 가장 큰 상을 주고 싶습니다>
A: Excuse me. Pardon me. Old man coming through! I’m here for him
> 죄송하지만 지나갑니다. 난 그를 위해 왔어요
B: Congratulations Russell sir! > Russell 축하하러 오셨죠. 이리 앉으시죠
A: Russell for assisting the elderly and for performing above and beyond the cod of duty
> Russell은 노인을 공경하고 주어진 임무이상을 훌륭히 수행하였습니다.
A: I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow. The Ellie badge
> 난 너에게 줄 수 있는 최고의 영예를 너에게 주고 싶구나
<Pops: Bye bye Love –The Everly Brothers->
There goes my baby/ with someone new/ she sure looks happy and/ I sure and blue
> 저기 그녀가 다른 사람과 함께 가네요/ 그녀는 행복해 보이고 전 불행하네요
She was my baby/ till he stepped in/ goodbye my romance /that might have been
> 그가 끼어들기 전에 그녀는 제 애인이었죠/ 우리가 함께 나눴을 사랑은 이제 안녕
We agreed to + Verb.
We agreed to accept.
우린 수용하기로 합의했다.
We agreed to change.
우린 변경하는 데 합의했다.
우린 합의보지 않기로 합의했다.
We agreed to pay in full.
우린 전액 지불하기로 동의했다.
We agreed to discuss.
우린 논의하는 데 동의했다.
Role Play
A: I can’t believe we agreed to pay in full.
우리가 전액 지불하기로 합의했다는 사실 믿을 수 없네.
B: Well, we are responsible to some extent.
글쎄 어느 정도는 우리에게 책임이 있잖아.
A: I agree but it’s too much.
그건 맞지만 너무 과하잖아.
* Now you are talking > 자 이제 말 좀 하는 구만. 좀 통하는 군
A: When I get back to school, I’m going to study harder
>이제 학교에 복학하면 공부 열심히 할거야
B: Now you are talking > 이제 말 제대로 하네