May 13, 2010 Thu <Opening>
I don’t know why you say I know that. But I told the beginning of every month, first
week of every month is the busiest time people decided to exercise. It’ very hard to
keep a resolution like that
<Morning Words>
Hit it off: the situation that people have a very good relationship
> 죽이 잘 맞다, 마음이 통하다
Live off: breathe, exist, to live through something, because of something,
by way of something > ~을 의지해서(도움을 주고) 살다
Polish off: look shiny, make something clean, to finish something completely
> 먹어 치우다 해치우다
We hit it off right from the world go > 우린 처음부터 죽이 잘 맞았어
You can’t live off your parents forever > 언제까지나 부모님께 의지할 수 없잖아
I can polish off a whole pizza myself > 난 피자 한 판을 다 먹어 치울 수 있어
<More Expressions>
Hit it big: make it big >크게 성공하다
Live it up: have a good time, enjoy freely > 완전히(제대로) 즐기다
Polish up: improve something better (=brush up)> 광을 내다, 숙달시키다
I’m glad you hit it big > 난 네가 잘돼서 너무나 기뻐
Try hard to pass the exam for living it up for the future
> 나중을 즐기기 위해 열심히 공부해서 시험 합격해
You need to polish up your driving skills > 너 운전 실력 좀 늘려야겠어
<LST: Some tips for living off the Land: 전원 생활을 위한 조언>
You know that one very important crucial step you should take is to get a goat. Reason
why? Goats can supply with you milk, meat and cheese for you have to choose.
If you choose meat, there’s no more milk. And many people are realizing the health
benefit of raw, goat’s milk making a very marketable product.
> 고기를 원하신다면 원유를 얻을 수 없습니다. 그래서 많은 사람들은 천연 식품의 건강에 대한
효과를 인식하고 있습니다. (그런 맥락에서) 염소의 원유는 시장성이 높은 상품 입니다.
<John’s Recap>
Many years ago when Gil-dong and Min-hi first met, they really hit it off right from the
world go. Min-hi was very generous and very kind of Gil-dong. He wasn’t working at
that time
She says it’s okay. Honey, baby, darling! You can live off me for a while. I have a good
job. He thought that was a very good idea. So every day she would order fried chicken
and ‘탕수육’ and pizza.
He would polish off all this food dishes all the time. After about six months she had
enough and said that’s it. You can’t live off me anymore. You get a job
<Screen: 잠을 잘 못 자요>
A: Well I can sleep on a couch. > 전 소파에서 자면 돼요.
B: No, I’ll sleep on the couch > 아니야 내가 소파에서 잘게
A: I’m a lousy sleeper anyway. I’d be fine on a couch. Do you have cable? (bad, terrible)
> 난 잠을 잘 못 자요 케이블 방송 나오나요?
C: We got an antenna. We got a bunch of DVDs. John Wane and Clinton Eastwood
> 케이블도 있고 DVD도 많아요. 존 웨인, 클린트 이스트우드가 대부분이죠
<Pops: Can’t we be friends? –Jamie Culum->
I thought I’d found the girl of my dream/ so it seems this is how the story ends
> 나의 이상형을 찾았다고 믿었어요 그래서 행복한 결말로 끝날 줄 알았거든요
She’s gonna turn me down and say/ can’t we be friends
> 그녀가 절 돌아서며 말하네요/ 그냥 친구로 남을 순 없느냐고
1) Pattern Talk
I took it to + place.
~을 어디로 가져갔다 (태워다 주다)
I took it to class.
난 그것을 수업시간에 가져갔어.
I took it to the market.
난 그것을 시장에 가져갔어.
난 그것을 세차장에 가져갔어.
I took it to my dormitory.
난 그것을 기숙사에 가져갔어.
I took it to the dry cleaner’s.
난 그것을 세탁소에 가져갔어.
2) Role Play
A: Where’s my laptop?
A: 내 노트북 어디 있지?
B: I took it to my dormitory.
B: 내가 기숙사에 가져갔는데.
A: Bring it back please.
A: 컴퓨터 다시 갖다줘.
* Open up the floor > 멍석을 깔아주다. 발언권을 주다
A: Let’s open up the floor for discussion > 회의를 위해 발언권을 드리겠습니다
B: I have something to say about this > 이 부분에서 언급할 사항이 있습니다