굿모닝팝스 2010.05.31

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 5. 31. 10:10 Posted by chanyi


1. call off : ~을 취소하다 (cancel)

We'll call off the party if there's a lack of interest.

관심이 부족하면 파티 취소할게.

2. burn off : ~을 태워서 제거하다 (remove with fire)

Burn off any hanging threads with a lighter.

라이터로 보푸라기 다 태워 없애 버려.

3. shake off : ~을 떨어내다, 떨쳐 버리다 (get over, forget about)

Shake off your probia and deal with the problem.

공포증을 떨쳐 버리고 문제를 처리해.


영어 단어 풀이

1. call off

Ah, to call off simply means to cancel. You might call off a meeting

or call off some appointment that you have to cancel.


2. burn off

Ah, yeah, burn off. This is one of those expressions that after you know it

you think 'oh, that's very easy and obvious.' But without thinking about it, sometimes

it might be hard to come up with this expression. To use fire simply to get rid of something.


3. shake off

To shake off, wow, you know sometimes you might feel a little less than normal.

You might feel a little bit hazy or dizzy or cloudy in your mind and you need to shake off

that fear, shake off that feeling, get rid of that feeling.


John's Recap

You know, some morning is so difficult to get out of bed. It's tough to shake off

that sleepness. You look at the sky. You notice how the sun is coming up and

the sun begins to burn off the clouds and might have been in the sky over night.

You might think 'Should I call off work today? Should I stay in bed? What should I do?'

Well, the best thing is to shake off that sleepness. Get up! Jump around!

Shrug your shoulders. Roll your neck and circle and go to work.


Screen English

I am just very touched. 나 아주 감동 받았어.


Meryl Are you crazy?

당신 제정신이야?

You could have been killed.

죽을 수도 있었다고.

Paul I am just very touched that that would've bothered you.

걱정이 됐다니 아주 감동인 걸

Meryl Well, of course it would have.

그럼 당연히 걱정이 되지.

Oh, God, I had this horrible moment

where I pictured what life would be like without you.

세상에, 당신 없이 살 생각을 하니

정말 끔찍하더라.

Paul That's exactly what I had!

나도 똑같은 생각을 했다는 거 아냐!