June 4, 2010 Thu
<Morning words>
He might say I should’ve married long ago. Now I’m so old. Who can be my partner? Oscar Wild said this. A pessimist is one who when he has a choice of two evils, chooses both.
Jot down: simply writing down something or take notes very quickly > 급히 적다
Bear down: apply a lot of strength, use a greatest power, put your all efforts > 전력을 다하다
Hang down: being free, not being constrained, loosely not in a hurry > 늘어지다, 늘어뜨리다
Let me jot down your number and email address
> 당신 전화번호와 이 메일 주소 좀 적을게요
Bear down it doesn’t move a smidgeon > 조금도 움직이지 않게 꽉 눌러
*smidgeon: very small amount, even in a little bit > 아주 극 소량
I like your look when you let your hair hang down
> 난 네가 머리 늘어뜨린 모습이 좋더라
<More expressions>
Not one jot of something: Not even a little bit > 조금도 ~하지 않은
Bear fruit: provide some results > 결실을 맺다
Hang a right: make a right turn > 우회전 하다
There’s not one jot of money to buy this > 이거 살 돈이 한 푼도 없어
Finally we bear fruit on the project > 마침내 그 프로젝트에서 결실을 맺었다
Hang a right and you will find the building > 우회전 하시면 바로 그 건물이 있습니다.
<LST: Bear down Arizona>
“Bear down” it’s the model, the official model of the University of Arizona. It’s also the inspiration for ‘Bear down Arizona” it’s the unofficial fight song for the school’s Arizona football team, ‘the Wild Cats’
<John’s recap>
I had a very funny experience with Gil-dong the other day. We were sitting in a movie theater. We were up in the balcony.
Suddenly Gil-dong saw a girl that he thought was very cute and he said, John I want to meet that girl. I want to give my phone number. What can I do?
We had a great idea. We got a long piece of paper and he wanted to jot down his phone number. Unfortunately his pen was almost out of ink.
He really had to bear down on the pen to finally write his number. Then he was able to hang down the piece of paper from the balcony to the globe below her.
She didn’t see it for a while. The lights were out during the movie and some guy found it. Some guy pulled the paper down and out. Disappointing experience
<Screen: 그런 얘기 그만해>
A: You’ve got to stop talking about that > 그런 얘기 그만해
B: I can’t even think about someone hurting you
> 누가 널 해칠 수 있으리라 생각도 못 했어
A: The only thing that can hurt me is you and I don’t have anything else to be afraid of
> 나를 해칠 수 있는 유일한 사람은 너이고 그 외엔 아무것도 두렵지 않아
B: That’s not true > 거짓말 인 것 같은데
A: Victoria, she will come for me one day > Victoria, 그녀가 언젠가 날 잡으러 올 거야
<Pops: There goes my baby-Usher->
I’ve been waiting all day /to wrap my hands/ around your waist/ and kiss your face
> 난 내 손이 당신 어깨를 감싸고 얼굴에 키스를 하기 위해 하루 종일 기다려 왔죠
Wouldn’t trade this feeling for nothing/ not even for a minute
> 이런 감정을 그 무엇과도 바꿀 수 없어요/ 단 한 순간이라도
1) Pattern Talk
He’s just being + 형 : 그는 일부러 ~하는 척 하는 거야.
He’s just being silly. 그는 일부러 어리석은 체 하는 거야.
He’s just being nosy. 그는 일부러 꼬치꼬치 캐 묻는 거야.
He’s just being cautious. 그는 일부러 신중을 기하는 거야.
He’s just being stubborn. 그는 일부러 고집이 센척 하는 거야.
He’s just being protective. 그는 일부러 방어적인 척하는 거야.
2) Role Play
A: Why does he ask so many questions? > 그 사람 왜 이리 질문이 많아?
B: He’s just being nosy > 그는 일부러 꼬치꼬치 캐 묻는 거야
A: Well, he wouldn’t like it if I did it to him
> 내가 그렇게 한다면 그도 좋아하지 않을 텐데
*Grin from ear to ear: be with a big smile > 입이 귀에 걸리다
A: Will Tom like this gift? > Tom이 선물 좋아할까?
B: Yes, he will grin from ear to ear > 그럼 아마 입이 귀에 걸릴 거야