1) Step 1
look down : 깔보다, 얕보다, 경멸하다 > think poorly of, dismiss as lowly
bog down : (나아가지 못하도록) 꼼짝 못하게 만들다 > get stuck
chase down : 찾다, 추구하다 > catch, find
John's Recap
Very interestingly 길동 and I were going along in the car and he said, "John, John, John,
look at that girl over there. She has terrible hair. Her hairstyle is really bad."
I said, "길동, never look down on people. When you look down on people, you take away your own freedom. You bog down yourself in prejudice and choosing what people should be like and what they should not be like. It's better to chase down people's qualities. Look for the good things in people." So 길동 promise he's going to try to have a better attitude.
2) Step 2
I try to never look down on people. 난 사람들을 결코 얕보지 않으려 해.
We'll bog down if we drive through mud. 우리가 진창 속을 운전하면 꼼짝 못하게 될거야.
Let's chase down a taxi and skedaddle. 택시 잡아서 얼른 가자.
2 Screen English
1) Dialogue
Jacob : You like me, right? 너 나 좋아하지?
And you think I'm "sort of beautiful." 내가 왠지 너무 멋져 보이기도 하고.
Bella : Jacob, please, don't do this. 제이콥, 제발 이러지 말자.
Jacob : Why? 왜?
Bella : Because you're about to ruin everything. 우리 사이를 망치려 하고 있으니까.
And I need you. 난 네가 필요하단 말이야.
Jacob : Well, I've got loads of time. 뭐, 시간은 얼마든지 있으니까.
I'm not gonna give up. 포기하진 않을 거야.
2) Practice More
ruin everything 모든 걸 망치다
If you cancel, it'll ruin everything I planned. 네가 취소하면 내 계획을 다 망치게 될 거야.
give up 포기하다
Don't give up without a fight. 싸워 보지도 않고 포기하지 마.
3. Pops English.
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
날 당신에게 떼어 놓으려면 아주 힘이 들 거에요.
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
백명의 남자, 아니 더 많은 사람이라도 날 막을 순 없어요.
I bless the rains down in Africa. 아프리카에 내리는 비를 축복해요.
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had.
우리가 경험하지 못한 일들을 하며 시간을 보낼 거에요.
4. Talk / Play / Learn
1) Pattern Talk
I'm not comfortable with + 명사. 난 ~이 편치 않아.
I'm not comfortable with that. 난 그게 편치 않아.
I'm not comfortable with change. 난 변화가 편치 않아.
I'm not comfortable with silence. 난 침묵하는 게 편치 않아.
I'm not comfortable with English. 난 영어가 편치 않아.
I'm not comfortable with the cost. 난 그 비용이 편치 않아.
2) Role Play
A : Why do you always have the same hair style? 넌 머리 스타일이 왜 항상 똑같니?
B : I'm not comfortable with change. 난 변화가 편치 않아서.
A : You should be more daring. 더 과감해지는 게 좋겠어.
2) Learn More
행운을 빌어 주다 ---> keep one's fingers crossed
A : Wish me luck on my test! 나 시험 보는데 행운을 빌어 줘.
B : I'll keep my fingers crossed. 행운을 빌어 줄게.