<Weekly Review>
Let me get this strain. Between B and D either is C. I suppose B represents Birth, D represents Death. So what comes in between them? C is Choice. That’s right. Your life depends on the things that you choose. Results of your choices will be your lives’ name and that will be the way that people remember you
(1) Headline I
Officials here are saying nothing about Amili's activities since he disappeared. But they insist that he has been in the United States on his own freewill.
당국자들은 여기에서 아무말도 하지 않았습니다. 아미리의 활동에 대해서 그가 사라진 이후로. 그러나 그들은 주장합니다. 그가 미국에 있었다고 그의 자유의지에 따라
official: 정부관계자, 공무원, 당국자, 공식적인 on his own: 그 남자 스스로
activity: 활동, disappear: 사라지다, freewill: 자유의지
<John’s paraphrasing 1>
Where are you Amiri? People are looking for Amiri. He has disappeared. Well, those people in the federally saved we don’t know. We didn’t take up. We don’t know where he is. They are saying nothing. However, they are saying no, we didn’t kidnap him. He’s not a prisoner. He’s in the United States because he wants to be and by the way I have Amiri’s last album. Very pretty good!
(2) Headline IIBank robbers are now stealing more money with computers than they are with guns. There are thousands of attempted attacks every single day, tens of thousands of attacks.
은행강도들이 요즘에는 더 많은 돈을 훔치고 있습니다 컴퓨터를 가지고 그들이 총을 가지고 훔쳤던것 보다 더 많이. 수천번의 시도되는 공격이 있습니다 매일같이 수만건의 공격이
bank robber: 은행강도 attempt: 시도(하다), steal: 훔치다.
<John’s paraphrasing 2>
Bank robbers, thieves, people who plan to steal money from banks. They know the punishment for robbing a bank with a gun is very severe and they know how difficult it is. Then they decided to use their brain power to perhaps make it easier, try to steal money from the bank online using the computers instead of worrying about hurting someone with guns.