굿모닝팝스 2010.08.08

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2010. 8. 8. 16:35 Posted by chanyi


In 2010 the global population reached 6.9 billion with nearly all the growth in the world's developing countries.
In the developed world the numbers tell a very different story.

2010년 거의 개발도상국의 인구 증가로 인해 전 세계 인구가 69억명에 이르럿다.
이런 수치는 선진국에서는 아주 다른 양상을 보이고 있다.

John's paraphrasing>
How many people are on the planet on earth?
As of this year 6.9 billion people.
That number is up, that has been in increase. Where, where has the population been grwoing?
Actually not in developed countries, not yet developed countries, it's the developing countries. The number of there people are growing. The population is sprouting and spreading.

▶ Key Expressions

1> population: 인구

2> growth: 성장, 증가

3> developing country: 개발도상국 / developed world: 선진국




Researchers say living into your hundreds may have less to do with what you eat or drink
and more to do with the combination of a series of very specific genes.

최근 과학자들이 100세 이상의 장수를 누리는 데 무엇을 먹고 마시는 가보다는, 특정 유전자의 조합이 더 많은 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 연구 결과를 발표했다.

John's paraphrasing>
How long do you want to live? Well, according to jake, be careful what you eat or drink. That would determine how old you'll be when you die.
However,  Scientists are telling us don't worry about it.
You can eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, it doesn't matter!
If your family dies young, you'll die young, if your family dies old, you'll die old.
That's it.

▶ Key Expressions

1> have to do with: ~와 관계가 있다.

2> combination: 조합

3> specific: 특정한, 특유의, 구체적인