As Hongkong struggles to build an environmentally friendly city, one professor is studying ways to help cut carbon-emissions and lower electricity uses by covering city's rooftops with plants.
홍콩이 친환경 도시를 건설하기 위하여 몸부림치고 있는 가운데, 한 교수가 도시의 지붕들 위에 식물을 심어서 탄소 배출량을 줄이고 전기 사용을 덜하게 하는데 도움이 되는 방법을 연구 중입니다.
▶ Key Expressions
1> struggle: 투쟁하다, 몸부림치다.
2> carbon emissions: 탄소 배출물
3> usage: 사용, 사용량
John's Paraphrasing Time 1
Hong-Kong is modern city. And there're making efforts to improve their environment. How? Well, one professor's trying to find out if it is helpful, if it is useful to put plant some top of the buildings.
Hopefully, plants around top of the buildings, it will help to reduce pollution in the air such as carbonemittions. And also it might help to reduce everybody's usage of electricity.
Doctors routinely uses robotic devices to assist them during surgery. But what if there were no longer doctors sitting at the controls of these machines.
의사들은 통상적으로 수술 중에 의사들을 도와주는 로봇 장치를 사용합니다. 그러나 만약에 이러한 기계들의 통제 장치에 의사들이 더 이상 앉아 있지 않게 된다면 어떻게 될까요.
▶ Key Expressions
1> routinely: 일상적인, 보통의
2> device: 도구
3> control: 통제, 규제, 억제
John's Paraphrasing Time 2Doctors are learning. They are using high technology and robots to help them perform, surgery and to take care of sick patients.
However doctors maybe even developing these computers and machines even more.
So that the machines can stay at the hospital. Do the surgery for them and doctors can get more golf time.