굿모닝팝스 2011.02.17

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2011. 2. 17. 13:37 Posted by chanyi

February 17, 2011 Thu          <Morning Words>


You know the salary is not high. His job might be one of those 3D jobs. His working so hard but he’s always smiling. So a young guy said how come you’re always so happy? That kind of calling in life and a positive mind and perhaps anyone can be happy


Stop back: when you are on your way, come again > 다시 방문하다


Sit back: put your body to the rear, relax > 뒤로 젖히다, 긴장을 풀다


Cut back: reduce, decrease > 줄이다




You look so tired. Sit back and relax > 좀 피곤해 보여. 푹 좀 쉬면서 긴장 풀어

We should cut back on the expenses to meet the budget > 예산을 맞추려면 비용을 절감해야

I’m going to stop back the next weekend > 다음 주말 정도에 다시 들를 거야


<More Expressions>


Come to a stop: finish > 끝나다

Sit on the fence: take a neutral pose > 중립적 태도를 취하다

Cut the dust: drink alcohol > 술을 마시다




Finally the coughing came to a stop > 마침내 기침이 멈췄어


When struggling with each other, it is wise to sit on the fence

> 상호간의 다툼이 있을 땐, 중립적인 태도를 취하는 게 현명해


Will you cut the dust with me tomorrow? > 내일 나랑 술 한잔 할까?


<John’s Recap>


Have you seen Gil-dong’s face recently? He looks so worn out so tired. I tried to tell him hey Gil-dong you need to cut back on your work schedule. You’re so worn out. Here is what you’ll do. You sit back and relax, take it easy just come down and I’ll stop back later in the weekend and I’ll help you out a little bit. So I think he’s trying to slow down a little bit

1) Pattern Talk

I am so ~:
나는 너무 ~해.

I am so tired.
난 너무 피곤해.

I am so worried
난 너무 걱정돼.

I am so enthsed
난 너무 열광했어.

I am so confused.
난 너무 혼란스러워.

I am so energized.
난 너무 활기차.

2) Role Play
A: Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right.
A: 네가 할 수 있다고 생각하거나 할 수 없다고 생각하거나 네가 옳습니다.

I am so confused.
B: 난 너무 혼란스러워.

A: It will sink  in later.
A: 이해가 될거야.