Morning Words
1. I can't tell : 난 잘 모르겠어
A : Coffee is too sweet?
B : I can't tell
2. He is very chatty : 그는 매우 수다스러워
A : Bill is really socialite
B : No kidding, he is very chatty
Screen English
J ; :오늘 별 일 없었어? What's going on today?
M : 내가얘기했나? 아님 너가 까먹었나? Did I tell you or did you forgot
M : 이번주에 워싱턴 갈거야 I am going to Washiton for the week
J : 새 웹사이트 New site? right?
M :우리는 10일 뒤에 런칭해, 그래서 전체 웹사이트는 내일부터 다운 될거야
We are luanching in 10 days, so the whole site is down starting tomorrow.
*(within->안쪽, in->그 상태가 지나고, after->그 후에)
*(the week->이번주 느낌)
Talk, Play and Learn
1) Pattern Talk
Hold the+ something, please
~는 빼주세요.
Hold the mayo, please.
마요네즈는 빼주세요.
Hold the onions, please.
양파는 빼주세요.
Hold the mustard, please.
겨자는 빼주세요.
Hold the dill pickle, please.
오이절임은 빼주세요.
Hold the jalapino pepper, please.
할라피뇨 고추는 빼주세요.
2) Role Play
A: What condiments would you like on your burger?
A: 버거소스로는 어떤것을 드릴까요?
B: ketchup, and mustard. but hold the mayo, please.
B: 케찹과 겨자넣어주세요. 마요네즈는 빼주시고요.
A: coming right up.
A: 바로 갖다드릴께요.
Learn More
Where were we? 어디까지 얘기했죠?
A : Sorry for the interruption, Where were we?
B : You mentioned canada.