March 4, 2011 Fri
It’s Friday so you may say TGIF. However I would say TGIT, which means Thank God Is Today! Come on, everybody join the new club! TGIT that’s actually a line from a book ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff” is written by Richard Carson.
You know it’s true you’ve got to learn to appreciate every day of the week. That way every day can be a happy day.
<Pattern Practice>
1. 그는 경찰 미워하니? > Is he a cop hater?
2. 몰라, 알게 뭐야! > Search me! (=I don’t know)
A: Is he a cop hater? > 그는 경찰 미워해?
B: yeah, he is the baddest of the bad > 아주 최고로 싫어하지
A: Who’s that guy? > 저 사람 누구야?
B: Search me > 몰라 알게
<John’s Recap>
Jake I went to see a movie. It was a crime movie. Gil-dong and I were watching the movie together. But it was a little bit complex. We really didn’t know what was going on
> 제가 어제 영화를 보러 갔어요. 범죄 스릴러 영화죠. 길동과 전 함께 영화를 봤어요. 좀 복잡한 구도였죠. 이야기의 진행을 전혀 알 수 없었어요
So I asked who is that guy? Who is that criminal? I was asking everybody in the movie. I didn’t know. I just had to say search me because I didn’t know.
> 그래서 저 남자는 누구며 저 범죄자는 누구냐고 물었죠. 영화에 나오는 모든 등장인물에 대해 물어봤어요. 난 알지 못했고 결국 모르기 때문에 알게 뭐냐는 말만 할 수 밖에 없었죠.
There was one guy he look really tough. Oh man, he looked like the baddest of the bad. Gil-dong told me yeah watch up for that guy! He is a cop hater. Finally in the end of the movie they got him know
> 험상궂게 생긴 한 남자가 있었어요. 나쁜 사람 중 최고인 것 같았어요. 길동이가 내게 저 남자 조심하라며 말했죠. 그는 경찰 알레르기가 있다고. 결국 영화말미에 그가 누군지 알게 되었죠.
1) Pattern Talk
명사+ is a must!
~ 은 필수지!
Passion is a must!
열정은 필수지!
Practice is a must!
연습은 필수지!
Exercise is a must!
운동은 필수지!
Vitamin C is a must!
비타민 C는 필수지!
A computer is a must!
컴퓨터는 필수지!
2) Role Play
A: What's the key to success?
성공의 열쇠가 뭐야?
B: Passion is a must!
B: 열정은 필수지!
A: I've got to turn it up, then.
A: 그럼 더욱 노력해야겠는걸!