굿모닝팝스 2014.09.29

일반영어/굿모닝팝스 2014. 9. 29. 08:56 Posted by chanyi


내 마음속엔 온통 사랑뿐이었어.     All I had my heart was love.
갈색 나뭇잎들이 뒹굴어 다니네요.     The leaves of brown came tumbling down.
여자 친구가 끊임없이 SNS를 확인한다니까.     My girlfriend can’t stop checking her SNS.

내 마음속엔 온통 사랑뿐이었어.    All I had my heart was love.

왜 아이들을 살려 주신 거죠?
그 두 아이들을 내려다본 순간,
내 마음속엔 온통 사랑뿐이더구나.

Why did you spare them?
I looked down at those two little girls,
and all I had in my heart was love.

Word & Phrases
spare   (죽음이나 피해를)면하게 해주다   W
hy did you spare them?   왜 그들을 사려준 거야?
look down at   ~을 내려다보다                
I looked down at those two little girls.  
난 그 작은 아기들을 내려다보았어.
all had in my heart was ~         내 마음속엔 오직 ~밖에 없었다
All I had in my heart was love.      내 마음속엔 오직 사랑밖에 없었어.

Key Expression Practice
All I could feel was love.
Love was the only thing I had in my heart.

The leaves of brown came tumbling down.     갈색 나뭇잎들이 뒹굴어 다니네요.
The leaves of brown came tumbling down.
Remember in September in the rain.
The sun went out just like a dying ember.
That September in the rain.

갈색 나뭇잎들이 뒹굴어 다니네요.
비가 내리던 9월이 생각이 나요.
태양은 사그라지는 불씨처럼 사라져 버렸죠.
비가 내리던 9월.

tumble down   뒹굴다
ember   (장작. 숯이 타다) 남은) 잉걸불



A + can’t stop + ~ (-ing + ~).
A는 끊임없이 ~를 한다니까.

<Step 1>
내 여자 친구는 끊임없이 SNS를 확인한다니까.
My girlfriend can’t stop checking her SNS.

내 아들은 끊임없이 밤에 먹는다니까.
My son can’t stop eating at night.

개가 끊임없이 새들을 보고 짖는다니까.
The dog can’t stop barking at birds

화난 운전자가 끊임없이 경적을 울린다니까.
The angry driver can’t stop blowing his horn.

사람들은 끊임없이 다른 사람들을 비난한다니까.
People can’t stop blaming other people.

내 두뇌가 끊임없이 미래를 걱정한다니까.
My brain can’t stop worrying about tomorrow.

할머니의 이웃들이 끊임없이 나를 잘생긴 애라고 부른다니까.
My grandmother’s neighbor can’t stop calling me “handsome”.

야생동물들은 끊임없이 식량을 찾아야만 하지.
Animals in the wild can’t stop searching for food.

<Step 2>
Dialogue 1

A: My girlfriend can’t stop checking her SNS.
여자 친구가 끊임없이 SNS를 확인한다니까.


B: Get out of it.
그런 관계는 끝내.

Dialogue 2
A: People can’t stop blaming other people.
사람들은 끊임없이 다른 사람들을 비난한다니까.

B: Taking responsibility takes courage.
책임을 지는 것을 용기가 필요하잖아.

Dialogue 3
A: Animals in the wild can’t stop searching for food.
야생의 동물들은 끊임없이 식량을 찾아야만 하지.

B: Is it right to help them?
동물들을 돕는 게 옳은 건가?

5분 패턴영어 안드로이드

돌발 Pop Quiz!
Today’s question is in POPs English.
It’s one word.
That means a piece of wood that stays red
and very hot after a fire has stopped burning.
It starts with letter “e”.
Mr. Lee said it is not “amber”.
What’s this?
I guess the answer is “ember”. 

청취자 질문 영어 표현!

뒷심을 발휘하다.(내가 뒷심이 있어)
-> I’ve got an ace up my sleeve.