시제일치의 예외
1. 불변의 진리․속담․습관적인 행위→현재
1. 불변의 진리․속담․습관적인 행위→현재
과거의 동작이 현재까지 계속 되는 현재의 사실, 습관은 주절의 시제에 상관없이 현재시제
He said that the earth is round.
He told me that he goes to school.
I asked him when the first train starts.
2. 역사적인 사실→과거
He said that he had been rich.
He said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
He said that the French Revolution broke out in 1789.
3. 가정법→시제의 변화가 없음
I wish I were a bird.
I wished I were a bird.
He says that he would fly to me if he had wings.
He said that he would fly to me if he had wings.
4. 비교
He spoke English as well as you do.
He was stronger than he is now.