1. 양보를 나타내는 접속사를 사용해서 나타내는 방법. though (비록 ~이지만, ~일지라도)
= although = if = even if = even though
* Though he is young, he is wise. (어리지만, 그는 영리하다.)
* Though it was very cold, he went out without an overcoat.
(무지 추운데도 불구하고, 그는 오버코트도 입지않고 나갔다.)
* She took care of her sisters, though she was only ten.
(겨우 10살이었지만, 그녀는 여동생들을 돌보았다.)
* Though Tom is young, he is very prudent.
(탐은 어리지만 아주 신중하다.)
2. 형용사/명사 + as + 주어 + 동사 (비록 ~이지만) 로 나타내는 방법.
* Young as he is, he has much sense. (그는 어리지만 아주 분별력이 있다.)
* Woman as she was, she was brave. (그녀는 여자지만 용감했다.)
* Poor as he is, he can help you. (그는 가난하지만 당신을 도울 수 있다.)
3. 복합 관계 대명사의 양보의 부사절
whoever (= no matter who ~) : 누가 ~할지라도
whomever (= no matter whom ~) : 누구를 ~할지라도
whichever (= no matter which ~) : 어느것을 ~할지라도
whatever (= no matter what ~) : 무엇을 ~할지라도
* Whoever may say so, I can't believe it.
= No matter who may say so, I can't believe it.
(누가 그렇게 말할지라도, 나는 그것을 믿을 수 없다)
* Whomever you may love, you must marry her.
= No matter whom you may love, you must marry her.
(네가 누구를 좋아한다할지라도, 너는 그녀와 결혼해야 한다)
* Whichever you may choose, you will be pleased.
= No matter which you may choose, you will be pleased.
(네가 어느 것을 선택할지라도, 너는 만족 할 것이다)
* Whatever you may say, I won't change my mind.
= No matter what you may say, I won't change my mind.
(네가 무슨 말을 할지라도, 내 마음을 바꾸지 않겠다)
4. 복합 관계부사의 양보의 부사절 whenever (= no matter when ~) : 언제 ~할지라도
wherever (= no matter where ~) : 어디서 ~할지라도
however (= no matter how ~) : 아무리 ~할지라도
* Whenever you may cone, you will be welcome.
= No matter when you may cone, you will be welcome.
(네가 언제올지라도, 너는 환영받을 것이다)
* Wherever you may go, I'll follow you.
= No matter where you may go, I'll follow you.
(네가 어디를 갈지라도, 너를 따라가겠다)
* However hard you may try, you can't finish it.
= No matter how hard you may try, you can't finish it.
(아무리 열심히 할지라도, 너는 그것을 끝마칠 수 없다)