Pattern Talk

Did you forget what to + 동사? 
무엇을 ~해야 할지 잊었어?


Did you forget what to say? 
무엇을 말해야 할지 잊었어?

Did you forget what to order? 
무엇을 주문해야 하는지 잊었어?


Did you forget what to do next? 
다음에 뭘 해야 하는지 잊었어?

Did you forget what to pick up? 
가서 뭘 가져와야 하는지 잊었어?

Did you forget what to make a copy of? 
뭘 복사해야 하는지 잊었어?


Role Play

남 : Did you forget what to do next? 
다음에 뭐 해야 하는지 잊었나?

여 : I think I've finished all my work for today. 
오늘 제 할 일은 다 끝낸 것 같은데요.

남 : You were supposed to have submitted the financial report by now. 
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