Pattern Talk
I was surprised by + 명사.
~이 놀라워, ~때문에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the news.
그 소식에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the result.
그 결과에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by his attitude.
그의 태도에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the incident.
그 사고에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the scenery.
그 풍경에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the simplicity.
그 소박함에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the response.
그 답변에 놀랐어.
I was surprised by the technique.
그 기술에 놀랐어.
Role play time
남 : Did you hear about Kelly?
캘리 얘기 들었어?
She was on that flight that crashed.
추락한 비행기에 탑승했었다지 뭐야.
여 : Oh, yeah. I was surprised by the news.
그러게 말이야. 소식 듣고 깜짝 놀랐어.
남 : I'm so relieved that she's one of the survivors.
생존자 중 한 명이라니 얼마나 다행인지 몰라.