1. go after : ~을 추구하다, 얻으려고 하다 (try to obtain)
Parents need to look after their kids.
부모들은 자기 아이들을 돌봐야 해.
2. look after : ~을 맡다, 돌보다 (take care of)
Always go after your dreams.
항상 네 꿈을 추구해.
3. pick up after : 치우다, 챙기다 (clean, organize)
It's not my job pick up after you.
너를 챙기는 건 내 일이 아냐.
1. go after Always remember when we talk about these phrasal verbs, probably
each one has several different meanings and several definitions.
The one we're talking about today go after something is to persue,
to chase, to try to obtain or try to win.
▶ 항상 기억하듯이 우리가 이러한 구동사에 대해 얘기할 때 아마도
하나의 구동사가 여러 개의 의미와 정의를 가진다. 오늘 얘기하는
go after는 추구하고, 쫓고, 얻기 위해 노력하고 이기기 위해 노력하는 것이다.
2. look after To look after someone or to look after something is to take care of it,
to protect it, to make sure it's okay.
▶ look after+사람 혹은 사물은 그것을 돌보다, 보호하다, 확실하게 하다는
뜻이 있다.
3. pick up after Oh, yeah, to pick up after. Well, to pick up after yourself or pick up
after someone else is to clean or arrange things after that person
has finished doing something.
▶ pick up after+사람은 그 사람이 어떤 일을 마치고 난 후
청소하다 혹은 물건을 정리하다는 뜻이다.
Recap Happy new year! It is the new year. Many of you have goals and
plans for things you're going to do, things you would like to acheive.
Don't be afraid to go after your goals. Set your goals high and
work very hard, but don't forget to look after your health, look after
yourself first so that you can continue to go after your dreams.
Start by picking up after yourself. Pick up after yourself and your room
and your home and in your car and your work place and your classroom.
And hopefully as you go after your dreams you will be satisfied.
▶ 새해 복 많이 받기를~ 새해가 밝았어. 여러분 중 많은 사람들은
하려고 하는 일에 대해, 이루고 싶은 일에 대해 목표와 계획을 가지고 있을거야.
네 목표를 추구하는 것을 겁내지 말아. 목표를 높게 잡고 열심히 해봐.
하지만 네 건강을 돌보고 너를 먼저 생각하는 것을 잊지 마. 그래야만
네 꿈을 추구하는 것을 계속 할 수가 있어. 네 스스로 챙기는 것에서부터 시작해.
너를 챙기고 너의 방, 집, 차, 일터, 학교를 챙기도록 해.
그리고 희망하건데 네가 너의 꿈을 추구하게 되면 너는 만족하게 될 거야.
Screen English
I know the tricks. 제가 요령을 알아요. Cobb Sir Saito, we can train your subconscious
사이토 씨, 우리가 당신의 잠재의식을
훈련시켜 드릴 수 있어요.
to defend itself from even the most killed extractor.
최고 실력의 추출사도 방어해 낼 수 있도록 말이죠.
Saito How can I do that?
어떻게 그럴 수 있죠?
Cobb Cuz I am the most skilled extractor.
바로 제가 최고의 추출사니까요.
I know how to search your mind and
find your secrets.
전 당신의 마음을 탐색해서
비밀을 찾아 내는 방법을 알아요.
I know the tricks.
제가 요령을 알고 있죠.
Thank God it’s Friday! I got to tell you this time of the year every day seems to fly light on by. Abraham Lincoln said I do nothing much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday
Clear up: ‘clear up’ is to become clean, very often we used this word when we’re talking about solving problems or even your skin condition or the weather, if the weather is to clear up, then the skies will be very clearly and empty> 마음, 날씨 등이 정화되다, 깨끗해 지다
Slip up: when we hear the word, slip, automatically we might think of the word ‘slide’ or ‘slippery’, all of these words used when we’re talking about danger or mistakes, ‘to slip up’ then is to lose your stability or to make a mistake> 미끄러지다, 실수하다 (*slip of the tongue: 말실수)
Tear up: tear means to rip apart or destroy, so to ‘tear up’ something then is to completely destroy, get rid of it> 갈기갈기 찢다, 파기하다
I hope the skies clear up by tomorrow > 하늘이 내일까진 좀 맑아졌으면 좋겠다
I slip up now and again but I quit smoking > 내가 가끔 실수를 하긴 하지만 담배 끊었어
Tear up that picture and forget about him > 그 사진 찢어버리고 그 사람 잊어
<More Expressions>
Clear with someone: give an allowance to someone > ~의 승인을 받다
Slip someone five: give someone five, shake hands with someone > 악수하다
Wear and tear: degrade a little bit, getting kind of damaged > 마모되다, 손상되다
I’ll clear your trip with Dad> 너 여행가는 거 아빠한테 허락 받아줄게
Gil-dong slipped me five and we sat down to discuss
> 길동씨와 악수를 나눈 다음 앉아서 의견을 나눴어
Driving in freezing weather means lots of wear and tear on your car
> 추운 날씨에 운전하면 차가 많이 손상돼
*갑을 관계 > the party of the first (second) part
<John’s Recapitulations>
It’s important to have goals and objectives and our really good ideas to write your goals down a piece of paper, maybe you can make a to-do list. But sometimes we just can’t reach all of our goals. If you slip up, don’t be depressed. Don’t be down on yourself, just clear up your mind and clear up your heart and start again. Tear up that all to-do lists and make a new one. Set new goals. Make yourself happy person
<Screen English: 당신에 대한 마음은 변하지 않았어>
A: You’ve changed > 당신 변했어요
B: Changed? Perhaps (I’ve) grown wiser. Well, I have not changed toward you
> 변해? 아마도 더 현명해 진 것이겠지. 하지만 당신에 대한 마음은 변하지 않았소
A: But our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so> 우리 약혼은 오래된 것이죠. 왜냐면 그건 우리 둘 다 아주 가난했을 때 그리고 그것에 만족했을 때 만들어 진 것이니까요
A: When it was made, you were another man > 그걸 만들었을 때 당신은 다른 사람이었어요
<Pops English: 가을은 리듬감 있는 빗소리를 들려주죠>
When spring is near the end/ I hear green leaves of summer/ autumn brings rhythm of the rain/ then it’s hazy shade of winter > 봄이 끝날 무렵이면/ 여름의 싱그러운 풀잎소리가 들려와요/ 가을은 리듬감 있는 빗소리를 들려주죠/ 그리고 희뿌연 겨울의 그림자가 찾아와요
1) Pattern Talk
Make sure to + 동사원형. 꼭 ~해라
Make sure to log out. 꼭 로그아웃해.
Make sure to do the dishes. 꼭 설거지해.
Make sure to take a message. 꼭 메세지 받아둬.
Make sure to get permission. 꼭 허락 받아.
Make sure to read the fine print. 꼭 계약서 세부 사항 읽어 봐.
2) Role Play
A : What if Bill calls?
A : 빌이 전화하면 어떻게 해?
B : Make sure to take a message.
B : 꼭 메세지 받아 놔.
A : Sure thing. I'll leave it on your desk.
A: 그럼. 네 책상에 남길래
*Moments away from: coming soon, almost ready > 거의 ~할 것 같아
A: You look stressed out > 너 스트레스 엄청 받는 것 같아
B: I’m moments away from losing it> 지금 미치기 일보 직전이야