도청되고 있다는 걸 알았어?
Did you know it was bugged?
어젯밤은 내가 정말 제정신이 아니었어요.
I really lost my head last night.
역사로부터 배운다는 것은 정말 중요하지.
It’s crucial to learn from history.
도청되고 있다는 걸 알았어.
Did you know it was bugged?
어젯밤 왜 닉이 자네 집에 갔지?
도청되고 있다는 걸 알았나?
알았어요. 닉이 말해 줘서요.
Captain, why was Nick in your apartment
last night?
I don’t know.
Did you know it was bugged?
I did, because Nick told me.
Words & Phrases
apartment 거주지, 주택
Why was Nick in your apartment last night?
왜 어젯밤 닉이 너희 집에 있었어?
bugged 도청장치가 설치된, 도청된
Did you know it was bugged?
도청되고 있다는 걸 알았어?
because 왜냐하면 B
ecause Nick told me. 왜냐하면 닉이 나에게 말했으니까.
Key Expression Practice
Did you know that there was a hidden microphone?
Were you aware of the hidden mics?
I really lost my head last night.
어젯밤은 내가 정말 제정신이 아니었어요.
I really lost my head last night.
You’ve got a right to stop believin’.
There’s still a little love even so.
어젯밤은 내가 정말 제정신이 아니었어요.
당신에겐 믿지 않을 권리가 있어요.
하지만 그럼에도 아직 약간의 사랑이 남아 있어요.
It’s a crucial to~.
~한다는 것은 정말 중요하지.
<Step 1>
역사로부터 배운다는 것은 정말 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to learn from history.
건강한 음식을 먹는 게 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to eat healthy food.
현재를 즐기는 게 중요해.
It’s a crucial to enjoy the present.
미래를 상상해보는 것이 정말 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to imagine the future.
좋은 사람들이랑 어울리는 게 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to hang out with good people.
계산을 하고 위험을 감수하는 게 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to take calculated risks.
제대로 된 향수를 쓰는 게 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to get the perfume right.
법적인 조언을 구하는 것은 정말 중요하지.
It’s a crucial to get legal advice.
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: It a crucial to learn from history.
역사로부터 배운다는 것은 정말 중요하지.
B: There’s no need to remake mistakes.
실수를 다시 할 필요가 없으니까.
Dialogue 2
A: It’s crucial to take calculated risks.
계산을 하고 위험을 감수하는 게 중요하지.
B: They say, “No guts, no glory.”
사람들이 말하잖아 “ 베짱이 없으면, 영광도 없다.”
Dialogue 3
A: What makes a romantic mood?
뭐가 로맨틱한 분위기를 내 주지?
B: It’s crucial to get the perfume right.
제대로 된 향수를 쓰는 게 중요하지.
돌발 Pop Quiz!
Today’s question is in KISS English.
It’s two words expression.
That simply means to spend time alone
or without people.
You’ve got to do this with good people.
It starts with letter “h”.
What’s this?
I guess the answer is “hang out”.
청취자 질문 영어 표현!
당신 셔츠에 스티커가 붙어있어요. 제가 떼어드릴까요?
-> There’s a size sticker on your shirt. Shall I remove it?