1. cone out with : ~을 선보이다, 출시하다 (make, introduce)
Every year they come out with new gadgets.
매년 그들은 새로운 기계 장치를 선보여.
2. be taken with : ~에 매혹되다, 마음이 사로잡히다 (in love with)
I'm totally take with a babe in my English class.
난 영어 수업 듣는 예쁜이한테 홀딱 빠졌어.
3. fit with : ~와 맞다, 어울리다 (match, agree)
Her plans don't fit with my agenda.
그녀의 계획은 내 수행 계획과 맞지 않아.
영어 단어 풀이
1. come out with
To come out with is to provide or to create something
for other people. Big companies, all companies will design
things and make things and produce things. They come out
with new items. Sure, by the way we know that companies
can create items. They can come out with things
but sometimes people come out with words. The other day
a babe said "Hey John, you look like a movie star."
Well the babe come out with that expression.
2. be taken with
Oooh, very romantic expression. To be taken with means that
you have strong emotions for something. You might be taken
with a person, taken with a place, taken with a song, something
that affects you in a good way, makes you feel love and happiness.
3. fit with
Ah, to fit with. A and B, two different items, two different situations,
when they match well then they fit with each other.
Well, I've been waiting for some new gadgets to appear on the market
because my cellphone is rather old. I hope it come out with one.
That really has a good English dictionary, English to Korean dictionary.
That would be great. I'm taking with the idea of looking up words
and practicing new words and making new expressions.
And I have a lot of time so if I have a new gadget that has a good
dictionary, it will fit well with my style of learning.
So I'm hoping that happen soon.
*rather 꽤, 약간, 상당히
*gadget (작고 유용한) 도구[장치]
*one <수식 절/어구를 수반하여> 사람(person), 것(thing)
*look up (사전, 참고 자료, 컴퓨터 등에서 정보를) 찾아보다
*appear 나오다, 나타나다, 보이기 시작하다
전 시장에 선보일 새로운 기계장치를 기다리고 있어요.
왜냐면 제 휴대폰이 좀 오래돼서요.
저는 상품이 출시되길 희망해요 / (어떤 상품이냐 하면) 괜찮은 영어사전과 영어을 한국어로 바꿔주는 사전을 가진(포함한)
저는 이 생각에 매혹되었어요 / 단어 찾아보고, 새로운 단어 연습하고 새로운 표현들을 하는 것에 대한 (생각에~)
저 시간 많아요
만약 내가 새로운 기계장치를 가진다면 / 좋은 사전을 가진/ 제 학습 방식에 잘 맞을 거 같아요.
그 일이 곧 일어나길 희망합니다.
Screen English
There's an idea. 이렇게 하죠.
Declan It's gonna cost at least 200 to tow her out.
저 차 견인하려면 적오도 200유로는 들 거요.
That's not gonna come out of my pocket.
내 주머니에선 절대 그 돈 안 나와요.
It's coming out of yours!
당신 주머니에서 나와야 될 거요.
Anna Oh, like hell.
You will have to kill me before I pay you a dime!
죽기 전엔 단 한 푼도 못내요.
Declan There's an idea.
그럼 이렇게 해요.
Where you going?
어디 가요?
Anna Dublin.