The Tupolev 154 airplane crashed in thick fog in russia killing all 96 people on board including Polish president and his wife. Local official said the airplane caught fire after it hit the ground.
러시아의 투폴레프 154기가 짙은 안개때문에 충돌하면서 폴란드 대통령과 부인을 포함해 96명의 사람이 사망했습니다. 러시아측은 그 항공기가 땅에 부칮친후에 화염에 휩싸였다고 밝혔습니다.
crash: 충돌 on board: 탑승중인 official: 공무원, 임원
<Paraphrasing 1>
In the news and airplane crash in Russia, all 96 people who are flying on the airplane have perished. Among them including Polish president and his wife and several other government leaders of course
The type of airplane was a Tupolev-154. The reason of the crash is not yet decided. However there was very thick frog at the time.
In addition to the crash, the airplane did indeed versed into flames and burned after crash landing on the ground
Recently with the film “Mama Mia” and earlier the stage musical, a new generation has discovered the group and the exhibit. More than 35 years after the pop group became famous, for fans the magic of ABBA lives on.
stage: 무대, exhibit:전시회, 전시품, live on: 계속살다, 존재하다
<Paraphrasing 2>
ABBA lives on. They just will not go away. In fact it’s been over 35 years since the band ABBA became very famous. They have a great fan base and their fans love them.
We do know about the musical. They performed on stage around the world also a movie named “Mama Mia” has kept ABBA alive.
In fact these days a new generation, young people have rediscovered ABBA and their fan base continues to grow.
<Screen Review>
I have to go to the bathroom/ none of my concern! / Can we keep him please?
He’s trained (dog) / did I mention that? / Your voice sounds funny
저 화장실이 급해요/ 내 알 바 아니잖아/ 이거 길러도 되요? /
훈련 받은 개에요/ 내가 말한 적 있나요? / 네 목소리 좀 이상해
<Talk, Play Learn>
He always makes people some condition > 그는 사람들을 ~하게 만들어
He always makes people happy/ angry/ confident/ comfortable/ cheerful
How about > ~어때
How about a coffee/ Korean food/ a short walk/ a round of pause/ a drink after work?
How would you like 명사? ~를 어떻게 해드릴까요?
How would you like your hair done/steak/ your coffee/ your eggs?
I can't take my husband any more. 더 이상 내 남편을 못 참겠어.
I can't take this smell/ my job.
누구 can't take(stand) + 명사 + any more. 누구는 더 이상 ~을 못 참겠어.
I can't believe I'm studying/saying this/working here/meeting him/losing weight.
내가 ~하고 있다니 믿을 수가 없어.